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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Possible Copyright infringement
  2. Possible Copyright infringement
  3. Swept off her feet to a Station more like. In addition to being a teacher, she's also a Certified Horse Trainer!
  4. Possible copyright infringement of image
  5. Works great for my unskilled efforts and does a good job on my "PUMA" and "GAME WARDEN" folders. Like I said, for me, it's idiot proof!
  6. Waiting, Anticipating, Hoping for Trail Boss to make it to Canada. (You'd think that since it's made in a fellow Commonwealth Country, the Aussies would make sure WE got some pretty quickly. SIGH!) I loved Trail Boss for my .45-70 loads and .45 Colt. I found it a great powder to use when I got back into reloading after several decades away and using factory fodder. Little or no danger of an overcharge.
  7. Merry Christmas from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and The Square Circle Wranglers
  8. The easiest to use and did the best for my unskilled, so called talents is the SPIDERCO sharpener: Four stones, mounted in a carry case that set themselves up in pre drilled holes and are idiot proof for me.
  9. Possible copyright infringement.
  10. They are able to leap tall slush mounds in a single bound!! Here's another for ya:
  11. She's a qualified teacher, likes warm weather and loves horses, (hers had to be put down due to illness, last year), So, if she meets an Aussie fellow down there, we worry if we'll ever get her back home?
  12. No. Tuition is charged. It's a big business for most Universities, but the students usually overstay their education VISAs and disappear or at least thumb their noses at attempts to repatriate them to their homelands.
  13. Possible Copyright infringement
  14. On occasion, I've had .45 ACP creep in with my .45 Cowboy Special and didn't notice the case as I was depriming/Resizing. Then the ACP case gets well and truly stuck in the .45 Colt die, since the shell holder won't grab it to pull it out. (*%$&&^ and %$#@*()(*&^%$
  15. I only heard about it. Never saw it or heard about how bad or good it was. Wasn't Holy Terror in it?
  16. WARNING! My niece is going to Brisbane to work as an Au Pair or nanny for a period. She's a very petite, pretty French Canadian girl and I don't want anything untoward happening with her or to her. OK?
  17. *A correction: I missed adding the minus sign earlier, but I didn't think anyone would notice south of the border.
  18. It does appear she was............................................upset about his loyalty. She seems to be a passionate supporter of the noble cause, in the war of Northern Aggression. I wonder if you have her address, that I might call? T.H. Gable, Pvt. 27 Georgia CAS
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