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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. And to think some of us are happy to be able to cut a straight line, on a 2 X 4 with a table saw!!
  2. HUMMMM Free TB It might be worth me renewing my passport and driving down!!
  3. It's an older picture. The Trail Boss and the CLAYS bottles are now empty. The last of it was loaded in .45 Colt cases for my rifle. I'm now loading Titegroup in Starline .45 Cowboy Specials for my SAA's Not sure what I'll try in the .45 Colt loads once the last of the loaded cartridges are used. I like a bulky powder in those large .45 Colt cases.
  4. My loading bench. A very simple set-up. As I'm retired, I have a lot of time on my hands, especially in winter, so that's when I load for the following season. Just a few at a time. I have a lot of .45 Colt and .45 Cowboy Special brass for CAS so it works out well. Shelves are anchored to studs beneath the Gyproc. The room itself is in a corner of the basement, with no windows and was purpose built, with the walls facing the rest of the basement "Purpose Built, reinforced, wired and alarmed with a sturdy steel clad door and the entire room is monitored and alarmed. You may think this is overkill, but it's where I store my toys, (In a steel safe with other security features) but you must remember I live in Socialist (We hate Guns In the Hands Of Citizens) Canada, where ANY infraction of the rules will earn you confiscation, banning, prohibition orders and/or any other Punishment by Process.
  5. Glad to see I ain't alone. And Chickasaw Bill: Plant clover. That's what I did. Survived the drought around here last year and chocked out most of the weeds.
  6. I would start reviewing my financial statements VERY carefully!!!
  7. The one I used for a while was "RCMP Surveillance Van 3", later changing it to "CSIS Van 6"
  8. If/when I'm in the USA, I'd try for the Cracker Barrel, but what do I know. I'm Canadian.
  9. Adds flavour* * Yes, OTTO, that's the correct way to spell it!!
  10. You mean you wanted accuracy, not just a BANG??? I bought one as well. Adjusted the sights from a rest, Shot it from a rest. Sorry I sold my Browning Medalist. Now looking at a .22LR top for my Kimber I'll sell off the Garba Glock 44 once we are able to change the (mis)government here in Canada.
  11. Maybe try to sleep in a cooler room, body covered up nice and cozy. I found some of my best sleep was up North in a tent, snuggled inside a down sleeping bag, with my head outside the bag, breathing cool/cold air. Even had to wear a toque!
  12. Stress in your life? Too many things going on in your subconscious? I went through a lot of that after the death of my wife. Tried to go back to sleep, but just lay there, getting P.O'd Things are a little better now but it's taken three years. I am retired so I just went with it; played some mindless games on the laptop in bed until I got sleepy again, so YMMD Good luck.
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