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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. Oh I agree, some people go so overboard that it shows they have no life! I enjoy watching sports like I’ve said especially baseball but my life is not consumed by it.
  2. This is not meant to be political but watching the president-elect’s cabinet nominees I wonder if the Founding Fathers intended for this many positions in a president’s cabinet! Geeez there’s a ton of them. Please don’t make this political! I’m just questioning the amount of positions. I doubt the Founders had anywhere this number!🙄 https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/digital-encyclopedia/article/cabinet-members
  3. Don’t people use Private investigators to see if they’re spouse is cheating on them or is that just on PI shows?
  4. Why because I think infidelity can be a form of mental abuse and therefore I believe it can be grounds for divorce. I’m obviously not a lawyer so it’s just my opinion.
  5. I agree, sometimes the form automatically puts in the spaces and/or dashes. If not I do add the spaces or dashes.
  6. I think having a law against adultery is important in divorce cases. If one spouse is cheating on the other it’s a good reason to bring up in divorce court.
  7. That’s funny because I consider my life fuller with sports especially baseball. Went to games as a kid with my dad, played little league. Played some football and followed my kids when they played and took them to games. Some of the best memories I have is going to a MLB game with my dad and my kids. To each his own. I’m not obsessed with sports but I do enjoy a good game of baseball and football.
  8. This is interesting https://www.guns.com/news/2024/11/25/beretta-and-cz-colt-expand-production-to-romania
      • 3
      • Thanks
  9. Luckily it never caught on!
  10. Did you see the smile on the governor’s face ?🙄
  11. Adultery is no longer a crime in New York. Law dates back to 1907 https://www.yahoo.com/news/york-overturns-117-old-adultery-215126354.html
  12. How do you know they didn’t? Were you present in the locker rooms or at practice, you don’t know what happened behind the scenes and yes I will enjoy the games!
  13. My sons on Venice beach in 1996 I had an Instamatic camera I think 🤔
  14. 14k is pocket change for him!😂
  15. Fine that’s your choice to not watch but I still enjoy a good football game !
  16. They did for awhile but the last few games I saw they were on the field standing during the Anthem.
  17. The players are not woke, maybe a small handful but it’s the NFL administration that’s woke! Proof is the players doing the T dance!!!
  18. It was only a few players , the majority of them were never into the whole kneeling thing and neither were the coaches! It was the NFL top brass that ignored the people. They haven’t knelt for the Anthem for quite a few years.
  19. You know they don’t kneel anymore, just sayin’……..🙄
  20. The NFL wasn’t happy about a couple teams doing the “Trump dance” in the end zone! Apparently all other dances are okay!😡
  21. Can’t get it and I’m on facebook! I get all kinds of videos but nothing about what you’re talking about!
  22. Oh for God's sakes!!!
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