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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. He was even seen in 'Nam when I was there. My Dad saw to it that I put everywhere I went.
  2. I don't have to do any homework. I am speaking from a total of 57+ years of personal experience. I'll take that over any number of opinions of people I don't know and don't believe anyway.
  3. You do have your moments, Amigo. Once again I have to admit I agree with you 100%.
  4. Ooooooooooooo, yer gonna pay for that one.
  5. Don't laugh. If that actually were to happen you can bet the rent it was funded by a government grant.
  6. OH, THAT '76. I was looking to read about you in 1776 when you were just a kidlet.
  7. I have a Select Comfort (now called Sleep Number) California King size that I just replaced after 37 years. It is dual control that goes from very firm to like sleeping on a blanket and back in just a few seconds Have a Queen size one in the guest room that is around twenty years old and still going like new. My 300+ pound son doesn't like it, but with his weight he can't find ANY bed he does like. I recommend the Sleep Number system without reservation.
  8. Yes and they are not being made anymore....and I sincerely doubt anyone could reload them.
  9. Charges don't mean a thing. Convictions do, but only if they are severe enough. Parole should be outlawed in 95% of the cases. We need to bring back hard work details six days a week and do away with most of the niceties in prisons.
  10. SOME people? About 25% of the country. More in some places less in others.
  11. Comments: The owner didn't beat him hard enough, often enough, or long enough. The crook should have been crippled for life or dead. Cast iron works better then stamped steel or aluminum for these things The owner missed a good training exercise for the dog who, incidentally, should have been in the house when it all started. The LEOs should have busted him up more for resisting. The damn crook shouldn't have been on the streets in the first place. Twelve prior felonies! Seems to me he should have been in jail for life after the second one. Then again, this was Chicago where almost everyone in the legal system and the city government should be in jail anyhow. Rant mode off.
  12. Tax dollars at work. I usually crush up five or so into a glass, pour in enough milk to get them all wet, and eat them with a spoon. That's how Mom did it. That's how I do it.
  13. They made a carbine, too. I saw both being fired at a gun show event years ago. (They wouldn't let me shoot them....stingy bastards!) IIRC, they weren't very accurate because the rocket holes were drilled so they would rotate the rounds instead of having a rifled bore, and when it was fired the rocket pushed the hammer, which was in front and drove the whole thing back to fire it, forward to re-cock it. One of the most awkward and ugly guns I ever saw.
  14. Daughter just emailed me to confirm her Tomcat is extracterless. Said she never noticed it either.
  15. Lots of changes since I left the Army. First was the embarrassing "new" emblem, that stupid kindergarten white star on the black back background. I never served one second under that POS thing. I wanted a new veteran's cap and couldn't find one with the "coat-of-arms" style so I found a patch and had one made. Next is the dress uniforms, both blues and greens, that have nothing to recommend them, no personality at all. Finally, if this cartoon is an example, they turned the enlisted stripes upside down...... again.
  16. Thanks, Alpo. I have no idea how I lived for 82 years without knowing all of this.
  17. All I put in my coffee is SUGAR. Lots and lots of sugar. I don't really like coffee but it's a pretty good medium for getting the sugar into my system.
  18. I find it very interesting that you can still learn something. My daughter has my late wife's .32 (Tomcat?). I'll have to ask her if it has an extractor. I just never thought to look. My "new" 1908 Colt .25 has one. It's a cute little trinket, but the smallest caliber I carry is a .380 and I usually have a 1957 Colt Detective .38 Special or a .45 ACP 1911.... and I have one on my person and a couple more in the car or close at hand. What can I say? I just love guns!
  19. I worked at Douglas just before Boing bought them. Watched a DC-3 land wheels up and slide to a stop. Tore the old girl up pretty badly but about two months later we watched fly out again. I snagged a ride on a C-47 in 'Nam in 1968. It was a Aussie civilian plane hauling stuff into Phan Rang (or Phan Thiet. I never could remember which was which) and I bummed a ride up to NhaTrang. Noisy but otherwise a great trip of a total af maybe 25 minutes.
  20. I got married on July 16 and never had to remember it. I always did, but my wife hinted pretty hard for 51 years. She was born on D Day 1946. My parents were married the first time on April Fool's Day. My birthday was income tax day.....The Ides of March! They later moved it (tax day, not my birthday) to April 15 from March 15..
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