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irish ike, SASS #43615

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Everything posted by irish ike, SASS #43615

  1. We have a shooter, Jasper Agate, who shoots Frontiersman and FCD. Much easier as a dualist. He sometimes shoots Colt Dragoons with full charges. BOOM!
  2. How thin was the armor on the Grant? A lot of small holes.
  3. It was English Bob or Bill. He has since retired. I don't now anyone else that can do it.
  4. I own a pair in 44-40 with 7" barrels, blued. Mine have had the internals re-worked to allow slip hammering. Also makes shooting them dualist easier. Finger can stay on the trigger. Getting ready to sell them.
  5. They don't fly due East. They head towards Greenland which is weird but a shorter route. I flew a 747 from LosAngeles to Berlin, non-stop! Your ticket should reflect any stops.
  6. We shoot 22 silhouette. We shoot 50/100/150/200 yards. We buy 22 ammo loaded for the Olympics. We ran it through a chronograph. They varied not more than 4 fps. But they are $18.50/50????????????????????
  7. if you're worried about overall case length the Starline 40-65 brass comes about .015" short. They even have a warning note on the page.
  8. Maybe it's old age but......more and more movies and TV series have so much going on with so many characters and story lines you need a notepad to keep thing s straight. That and one season ends and the next isn't for another year or 2. You have to go back and re-watch it all too know what happened before. Oh, and a season on TV used to be 20 episodes, not 8!
  9. You are not along. Our daughter went to university and got her degree in education. Came out and started substituting grades 3 to 12 for experience and to select a grade. Exact same thing happened to her. She left and went onto something else. I used a single stage RCBS for 5 years loading black. Slower but the outcome is great. And you can't overload a BP round.
  10. Thanks, I'm getting out of cowboy and selling stuff.
  11. Whats the going price for a Johnny Meadows SKB?
  12. When I bought my SKB and had it slicked up I asked why 22" barrels. He said, opens faster, stays open, and cocks the hammers confidently.
  13. 1968 Senior year of HS English Class. The teacher announces that we will be reading Shakespeares Hamlet. An audible groan followed. But it ended up being the most remembered and enjoyed moment of "English" I ever experienced. Our teach was a kind man who also taught drama so.... He started off by explaining the time, the language and the play. He'd have us read a portion and then the magic. He would read it out load in very loud voice with enthusiasm and animation. As an actor would. He would stop and explain what the reading and the words were, old English saying. He also explained the characters and what was happening. I anticipated each day. I still remember most of the 'too be or not too be', soliloquy.
  14. They are looking for fruit, firewood, and hay crossing into Commifornia.
  15. And using a computer system with the capability of an IPhone. Great work then. Now...not os much.
  16. When people say they want a single provider healthcare system from the Fed's just refer them to this fiasco? Private company did it faster, and cheaper. Let's hope the doors stay closed on the way down.
  17. People think Reno Nevada is next to Las Vegas! 500 miles is sort of next to if you're flying.
  18. Ryan Seacrest is a narcissist and smug clown. Can't stand him.
  19. The directors cut of Dancing explains what happened at the fort before Costner got there. It helped the story a bit.
  20. Worst movie I've seen in a long time. We don't know why we are at war. We don't know really who the bad guys are. One lead person is running around using a Nikon film camera. Where'd you get the film and how'd you develop it on the road. How do you send it to you news source. The male lead never really tells us why he's there! Save your money........
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