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23 and Me

Lawdog Dago Dom

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I haven’t used “23 and me” but my wife has an account. She actually just recently found her biological father on their system. The man that was her dad wasn’t her actual or biological father, but her mother would never tell her who her real father was. Her mom passed away in ‘99.

My wife met her father recently and have been in contact since and we had lunch with him last week. 

I have an Ancestry account, but it is not active. I did a boatload of ancestry research and had traced my Dad’s side of the family back to 1750. I had traced my Mom’s side of the family back to 1725 and then I learn that the man I thought was my mom’s father was not her father. It turns out her biological father was not the man she had told me was her father over and over for years. My Mom died in 2007. And here I am at 61 years old a couple of years ago and I learn from my aunt, my Mom’s sister that I had been researching the wrong man’s information. To say the least I was truly pizzed off. So, I quit paying on my account, as Ancestry was no flippin’ help with this and I froze my account. 
I haven’t decided if I am going to start over with my Mom’s family info or not. 

Things I did learn:

My Dad, who was adopted but knew his biological family, claimed his blood family fought in every war back to the Revolutionary War. Completely false! No one in my bloodline on my Dad’s side ever served. They were all coal miners and steel workers. My Dad was a Marine but left the Corps with a Bad Conduct Discharge. 
My Dad claimed we were “Scots-Irish & Cherokee Indian.” Another falsehood. I have zero Cherokee or any other tribe’s blood and I am just a few percent Irish. I am mostly English and Scottish. 41% and 40% respectively. 

Regarding 23 and Me - Thank you for the info @Lawdog Dago Dom I appreciate it. 

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