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S/W 44 single action/new model 3


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I have an old 44 project gun with lots of miles on it. The cylinder and extractor are worn out.Can a reproduction be made to work?
The joint pivot needs replaced,barrel latch is worn also.Any help locating parts or parts guns would be greatly appreciated.




This from a post on the S&W Collectors Forum.  It's about 6 or 7 years old so the contact info may be out of date:


Charlie Duffy: Parts for Pre-WWII S&W's.
Phone: 845-679-8136
e-Mail: ced1923@cs.com

Jack First: Large selection of Pre- and Post-WWII parts. Sells working
parts to FFL dealers only.
Phone: 605-343-9544

Gun Parts Corp: Successor to Numrich Arms; many guns parts.
226 Williams Lane, West Hurley, NY 12491
Phone: 845-679-2417
e-Mail: info@gunpartscorp.com
Web Site: Firearm Parts & Accessories | Military Surplus | Numrich Gun Parts

Jim Horvath: Many parts for all S&W's (large and small) from 1860 up;
can reproduce parts.
e-Mail: driftdive56@aol.com

Fred Kuebler: Post-WWII parts and fair supply of S&W Model 1917 and
Victory Model parts.
e-Mail: guns0728@hancock.net

Jeff Lee: Lee's Gun Parts (an extensive supply of gun parts, including S&W)
(Open to the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays).
3401 W. Pioneer, Suite 2, Irving, TX 75061
Phone: 972-790-0773

Jan Matlega: Parts for Pre-WWII S&W hand-ejectors.
Mail Address: 528 Eddy Glover
New Britain, CT 06053
Phone: 860-229-6872

Poppert's Gun Parts: Poppert's Gun Parts Main Menu
P.O. Box 413
Glenside, PA 19038
Tel: 215-887-2391 Fax: 215-887-5816
Email: sales@poppertsgunparts.com

Charlie Pate: Provides screws (original & reproduction) for S&W Tip-ups and Top-breaks; author of books and articles on S&W guns.
Phone: 703-533-8057
e-Mail: cpate4@cox.net

Phil Saccacio: Phone: 540-456-6405
e-Mail: blueridgecollectibles@worldnet.att.com

Dave Szilagy: Manufactures parts for older S&W's.
Mail Address: 3107 Electric, Lincoln Park, MI 48146
e-Mail: shalgs@mi-web.com

Mike Veilleux: Parts for Pre- and Post-WWII S&W's.
Phone: 413-732-9938
e-Mail: gunsnparts@aol.com
Web Site: Guns n Parts - New and Used Guns Bought and Sold.

Liberty Tree Collectors Phone:207-285-3111
139 Main Street, Corinth, ME 04427
Liberty tree collectors has original, CCH lanyard rings (but without the pin) for $25.


Good luck.  You might be better off buying one, but who knows?




A nice looking New Model 3.   Which .44 is it?  American, Russian or .44-40?

When you say the cylinder is worn out, what do you mean?

As far as the extractor being worn out, well, there are couple of different pieces/parts that may be the problem.  I don't know what they are called, or how easy they are to swap out, assuming you can get them.   My guess is that the "thingee" that is inside the pivot that catches on the frame as you open it and pushes up the extractor star is the problem, but I of course, am just guessing here. (Are those terms imprecise enough?)

I am wondering though, is this a real S&W, or a made in Europe copy?  The lack of the S&W logo on the grip makes me wonder.   Several American guns had unauthorized knockoffs made in Spain and Belgium back in the late 1800's.   I wonder if this might be one.


i also like the look - if its worn out id hang it on a wall , its a nice looking piece 




Not confusing at all.


New Model Number Three.







Russian Model.





Completely different grip shapes.


And despite how much I respect Ian, he is incorrect about the White patent. Smith and Wesson did not own the patent, White refused to sell it. However he did make them sole licensees, so they could build revolvers with chambers bored through the cylinder.


Anyway, I just took a look at Numrich Gun Parts and the only parts I saw for S&W top breaks were a couple of 38 caliber barrels, not suitable for a large frame #3 Top Break.


H.K.: They are probably replacement grips, hence no S&W logo on the grips. I have seen lots of European knockoffs of S&W revolvers over the years, and none of them look as authentic as Bowhunter61's revolver. I think it is the real thing.


Sorry, but I cannot help much with a source for parts.

2 hours ago, Driftwood Johnson, SASS #38283 said:

H.K.: They are probably replacement grips, hence no S&W logo on the grips. I have seen lots of European knockoffs of S&W revolvers over the years, and none of them look as authentic as Bowhunter61's revolver. I think it is the real thing.


That's a fair assumption.   This one does look a bit too "correct" compared to the few knockoffs I have seen.

But dang blast it!   Now I have to do this!




New Model 3, Target.  .38-44.  Actually my first S&W to be acquired.  Letters to 1887



Model 3 DA.  .44-40.  Letters to 1891



New Model 3, .44-40.  Letters to 1897.  Notice the different sights from the target model


4th Model Pocket Pistol.  .32 S&W.  My most recent acquisition.  Got it from a local gunsmith.  Letters to 1889.  Looks very much like a scaled down Model 3 DA.



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