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And while we are on the subject (sort of) I wish people could recite the Pledge of Allegiance properly.

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1 hour ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

Reading through this thread it strikes me that one person, through many contortions and convolutions, and much word salad, is advocating for no customs, no traditions, no respect for society as a whole, just anarchy and confusion, with every person doing whatever whim strikes at the 

Your description sounds a lot like the whole Progressive "Woke" crowd.  

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3 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

Reading through this thread it strikes me that one person, through many contortions and convolutions, and much word salad, is advocating for no customs, no traditions, no respect for society as a whole, just anarchy and confusion, with every person doing whatever whim strikes at the moment.

And others are insisting on hive mind conformity.


I am a proud Libertarian - I don't give a rip what your traditions are or what you believe.  


Salute, kneel, fly any flag you wish, cut off your body parts or add a few, call yourself a guy or a girl or a rhinoceros, worship (or not) - I don't care.


Just because something is important to you does not make it important to me.

I won't force my beliefs on you and I won't accept you forcing yours upon me.


I believe in actual freedom - unlike the make believe "Patriots" that only support "freedom" when it supports their beliefs.


I am not offended when others make decisions contrary to my own.

As long as they do so peaceably and do not attempt to force these decisions upon me.


My thoughts, my beliefs, my actions are mine and mine alone - I may agree with you on one issue and disagree 180 degrees on another.

But agreeing with you on a singular issue does not require me to conform to your thoughts, beliefs or actions regarding any other "tradition" or "trend".


The danger of being an intelligent human being is the ability to see both sides of an argument - some will never suffer that issue.


As for word salad - I tend to choose words and phrasing that exceed the sixth grade reading level. 

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@Subdeacon Joe

And while we're casting stones - for all your posturing about "respect" and "society"...


Are you still a "Guest"?


Are you ever going to join SASS?

Pay dues?

Seems rather hypocritical to hold yourself up as some paragon of decency when you refuse to pay for the soapbox you stand upon to make snide comments about me.

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1 hour ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

@Subdeacon Joe

And while we're casting stones - for all your posturing about "respect" and "society"...


Are you still a "Guest"?


Are you ever going to join SASS?

Pay dues?

Seems rather hypocritical to hold yourself up as some paragon of decency when you refuse to pay for the soapbox you stand upon to make snide comments about me.


9 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

LOL.....love it when I touch a nerve and someone brings that up!  

Yeah! As a "guest", (I seem to remember a story there), it just stands to reason that you MUST be wrong.

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4 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:


Yeah! As a "guest", (I seem to remember a story there), it just stands to reason that you MUST be wrong.


Of course!  You and I have crossed swords, so to speak, a couple of times, but we always manage to hand back gouged eyeballs and torn off ears and sit down with a cup of coffee or something.

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58 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


Of course!  You and I have crossed swords, so to speak, a couple of times, but we always manage to hand back gouged eyeballs and torn off ears and sit down with a cup of coffee or something.

We've crossed swords, but we're in agreement on things about 90% of the time.

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