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Accents and Aussies

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I watch a lot of military documentaries on YouTube which are often narrated by folks in England. Some of the accents are thick enough to make understanding with my feeble hearing difficult. 


Do folks in Australia and New Zealand sometimes struggle with English accents? What about American?

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1 hour ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

I watch a lot of military documentaries on YouTube which are often narrated by folks in England. Some of the accents are thick enough to make understanding with my feeble hearing difficult. 


Do folks in Australia and New Zealand sometimes struggle with English accents? What about American?


Never struggle with American accents, REALLY struggle sometimes with British accents.

New Zealanders......well they just talk damn funny.


Abilene Youtube has a button marked CC, if you hit that captions will come up mate.

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7 minutes ago, Buckshot Bear said:


Never struggle with American accents, REALLY struggle sometimes with British accents.

New Zealanders......well they just talk damn funny.


Abilene Youtube has a button marked CC, if you hit that captions will come up mate.

Yep they do and I use it, but the text often lags the narrator by quite a bit. Annoying, but it works better than my hearing.  

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As an American - I have zero (or nearly zero) challenge with New Zealanders or Austrailans accent.  I can even usually tell which is which (big deal to me; probably simple for others).


British is "usually" ok (enough years of Monty Python and Top Gear), but Irish and Scottish are another thing altogether.

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