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To Our Friends Down Under

Subdeacon Joe

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I was almost 2 years old at the time and I have a vague memory fragment of my Mother and Dad, (He in his RCAF uniform) out at night in Edmonton.

People grabbed my Father and were carrying him on their shoulders.

My Mother laughing and crying at the same time. saying something to me I couldn't understand.


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2 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

It was 7:04 PM EDT Sep 1.


Sorry, I just felt like figuring.


On 15 August 1945 Australian Prime Minister Ben Chifley announced on radio that Japan had unconditionally surrendered to allied forces. This day, which has become known as VP Day, was marked with jubilant celebrations across the nation as citizens looked towards a future free of conflict and fear of invasion.

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