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Take Charge Of Your Life - Medical Supplies

Calamity Kris

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I learned a lesson today and wanted to pass it along.  My insurance contracted with a supplier for my CPAP supplies.  They would send the supplies to my house monthly.  So far so good.  The supplier determined I didn't need to replace my equipment as often as I was originally prescribed so they dropped the deliveries back to every other month.  I found with as dusty as Florida is, I needed to replace items more often so I started ordering them from Amazon.  Same OEM parts, much cheaper.  Soon, the price of the supplies went WAY up and the deliveries were cut back again.  Then I got my most recent bill from the supplier.  $126.00 ($31.00 each) for something I was ordering twice as much from Amazon for $10.00 each!!!  I just got off the phone with the supplier and dropped my contract.


A number of the folks I have talked to didn't realize they have the ability to get out of egregious contracts like that.  Check your contract terms carefully before trying this but I would imagine if you get your insurance company on your side, they will be more than happy to back you.

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My wife and I are retired, both use CPAPs.  We have told our supplier to only contact us when insurance will pay for everything.  It has eliminated out of pocket costs and lots of phone time.  Hope your bad times are over.

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Not for CPAP, I declined the sleep study. My VA doctor prescribed BP meds and vitamins, all with a copay. The BP meds are around $12 copay for 90 days each, not bad. The vitamins are$24 copay each for 90 days, $96 total for 90 days. On Amazon those same vitamins are $9 to $12for the same package no copay. 

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Good RX is an app that can help with prescription costs.  In some cases, their cost is less than the insurance deductible.

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Lots of people figure out how to get paid as the middle man to provide services you can do yourself. ESPECIALLY if .gov or insurance is involved.


Both personally and professionally.


Those labor law posters you pay $75 for all those postings are available at your states DOL website free as .pdf downloads.



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