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A 10-9-4+ Match

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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Here's an odd idea to try at a monthly match.    All of the stages, which are otherwise typical, are 10 rifle, 9 pistol and 4+ shotgun.


How is this odd or what makes it different?  Well, those who have one, are encouraged to use their pocket pistol for their second pistol.  Since most of them only have 5 chambers, you reduce the round count by 1.    Could make for an interesting variation once a year or so, nobody who doesn't have a PP is excluded because it's not a requirement, just an "encouragement."  At the discretion of those who run the match, you can note those who did and who did not use one in the standings.


Any takers?

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Way back when it wasn't uncommon for a stage to incorporate a pocket pistol or derringer or single shot in addition to the four main-match guns.   You could use your own or the "house" gun & ammo.  It was fun.


Then it was decried as "not fair" to those that had to shoot the house gun because they suffered from a lack of familiarity with the gun. 

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Guest Texas jack Black SASS#9362

When I first started in SASS up in  Mass. we used one revolver ,rifle and shotgun and only shot Duelist .Good times back then and good times now.:FlagAm: 

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Actually, I remember a time when the majority of matches were 9--10--4+    There were quite a few rifles wouldn't hold 10 being used.  Gawd, I must be getting OLD.  At was FUN too.

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in one word, NO

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