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Clint Eastwood.

Jackaroo, # 29989

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I see EOT this year is a tribute to Clint Eastwood.

Wouldn't it be great if SASS could secure his services to come and open EOT this year.  Yeehaww.

What y'all think.? 

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Someone told me today that he has turned anti gun??

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17 hours ago, Jackaroo, # 29989 said:

Someone told me today that he has turned anti gun??

First of all...

Never concern yourself too much with what any Hollywood person says. :D Or especially what someone says someone else said. That don't warsh in court neither, usually.

Second, realize the hoards of anti-gun "journalists" will take anything out of context to spread the appearance that someone they do not support politically IS INDEED anti-something that liberals support just to further their own cause.

I think Clint Eastwood has said something to the effect of he supports some measure of gun control. Well, even the NRA does that. Eastwood stated he does not want "criminals or felons to be able to easily obtain guns..."  I am pretty sure none of us want criminals (especially violent offenders) to have guns. Pretty broad and basic statement.

There are PLENTY of Hollywood liberals out there who have made very unambiguous statements about the 2nd. Eastwood to my knowledge ain't one of them.

Personally I think Clint Eastwood is not anti-gun.

John Wayne was an all together pro US and a pro 2nd guy and very anti-liberal that we sure don't see much of in Hollywood today. There are a couple left like him, but only a couple.

Did I just contradict my opening statement?;)

But I could be wrong. However, I don't care much. When it comes right down to the truth, he is only one man with an opinion. His movies were and are pretty darn good and THAT is really all he is. An actor. A very good entertainer.

Plenty of really great pro gun folks around this board and all our matches whom I would rather spend time with anyway.

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  • 1 month later...
23 hours ago, Ruby Redsmoke said:

I like the way you're thinking Jackaroo, how awesome would it be to meet Clint Eastwood??? :D


Well maybe Misty could use her charm and contact him and persuade him to come over, and keep it a surprise for everybody. Maybe she has done it already .

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On 5/6/2017 at 8:21 PM, Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 said:

Don't tell anyone; but, I like him better than John Wayne. :blush:


If he's at EOT, I'll figure out a way to get there.

I'd think it would be a bonanza.   :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

On second thought, don't bother.

After reading his bio on wikipedia, guess Clint is a sheep in wolfs clothing. Hollywood hypocrit who made his fortune on violenc while supporting gun control.

He wouldn't come within miles of us.

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