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Bullet diameter....check em!

Hashknife Cowboy

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Loaded 500 .45 Colts recently and according to the manufacturer they were moly lead 200 grain, .452 diameter. It turned out they were .450 and slightly smaller and did not quite preform as they should. I have had to re-crimp the smaller diameter. Measure em....

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Yep ordered some powder coated bullets for my 45-70. Instead of being .458 diameter they were .452 diameter.


Fortunately the manufacturer stood behind them and replaced them with the proper size.

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Some manufacturers are taking shortcuts and not sizing their moly coated bullets.






I have run into this ^^^^^^^^

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Your accuracy will be crap - a 450 bullet rattling down a barrel that probably slugs out at 452 to 453 will go any place except where you want it to go. This is spoken from experience - I was given some 45 bullets that were marked 452 but measured 451. Accuracy from 4-5/8" revolvers was awful. Switched over to 454 bullets & started hitting the targets a lot more often.



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Your accuracy will be crap - a 450 bullet rattling down a barrel that probably slugs out at 452 to 453 will go any place except where you want it to go. This is spoken from experience - I was given some 45 bullets that were marked 452 but measured 451. Accuracy from 4-5/8" revolvers was awful. Switched over to 454 bullets & started hitting the targets a lot more often.



Although I do not doubt your word (know you too well for that) this surprises me.


I know accuracy would be crap at 50 yards or better (been there, done it) but I would not have figured it would show itself at Cowboy distances.


Did you ever do a bench rest test on that ammo?

Would love to see the spread.



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Although I do not doubt your word (know you too well for that) this surprises me.


I know accuracy would be crap at 50 yards or better (been there, done it) but I would not have figured it would show itself at Cowboy distances.


Did you ever do a bench rest test on that ammo?

Would love to see the spread.




When I used those bullets, I couldn't count on hitting anything that I shot at. After switching to properly sized bullets, suddenly I could hit what I was aiming at, with the same guns & same technique. To me that was proof positive. I pulled the bullets from all the rounds I had loaded to be sure I didn't try to use them again.



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When I used those bullets, I couldn't count on hitting anything that I shot at. After switching to properly sized bullets, suddenly I could hit what I was aiming at, with the same guns & same technique. To me that was proof positive. I pulled the bullets from all the rounds I had loaded to be sure I didn't try to use them again.



Similar to what happened to me with my Hawkin rifle.


Couldn't hit a thing with a .490 round ball. Changed to a .495 had great groups.




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