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Crazy in Keene (NH) for pumpkins

Shawnee McGrutt

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They say college kids at Keene State College, got out of control at the annual Pumpkinfest in Keene, New Hampshire, yesterday. News here called it a riot. The police had to use tear gas to try and brake up the students, who threw rocks at them, overturned cars, and did other random acts of stupidity.

A lot of parents, will be saying that is money well spent.


NECN.COM has the story.

All I can say, is what a bunch of melonheads.


I would say that most college parties involving more than 100 students end up as drunken brawls. Not much self control these days.


I would say that most college parties involving more than 100 students end up as drunken brawls. Not much self control these days.

Agreed, but I think your estimate is about 98 off. :P



Yet another reason why I think all college campuses (campi?) should be 100% alchohol free with an automatic explusion for violating the rule.


You got to college to learn, not to party.


Or at least you should.


And don't tell me it can't be done. I did it just fine.


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