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1870 price of lead

Hellgate #3302 L

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I was reading a ship supply manifest for outfitting a whaling ship in Honolulu from 1870. This was in the Whaler's Museum in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii two weeks ago. My eyes riveted onto "194 lbs sheet lead...... $2.37". That price was AFTER it had been shipped to Hawaii! Spot price right now is $1/lb. Anyhow, I thought it an interesting item to share with the bullet casters among us.


I've got a feeling we're going to be shocked at what it will be going for in the very near future. Thank you EPA !


I've got a feeling we're going to be shocked at what it will be going for in the very near future. Thank you EPA !


Bullet makers ain't worried.........




Taking into effect inflation, that sheet would have been a little over $42 in 2013 dollars. Huge jump in cost since 1870. Interesting comparison


"194 lbs of sheet lead....$2.37"


I bet the guy in Hawaii complained about the high price of lead when he got it, too!


For a while lead was about $1.50/lb but has moderated a bit lately down to $1/lb. So I figger 194lbs oughta be close to $194.


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