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We Only Lose When We Surrender

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There’s been a lot of bad news lately for pro-constitutional patriots and yes, our side has taken a few temporary hits but we are far from beaten. What is our alternative my friends? Do we surrender and acknowledge defeat? Not on your life! We soldier on....that's what we do! Let's factually analyze the battlefield.


These states that passed legislation which clearly infringe on our 2A rights and the zealots in Washington that are looking to do the same on the federal level, are running wild. Pushing their long held agenda of disarming America and using the Newtown tragedy as the basis for their actions, they’re making sure not to waste a valuable crisis. Their solutions as we know all too well however would have done nothing to save anyone and will do nothing in the future to prevent such recurrences. In other words, their entire premise is built on a foundation of lies as it has been for decades.

I know it, you know, gun organizations know it as do all thinking Americans who base their judgment on the elements of fact, truth, history and logic. But those pushing this anti-gun agenda use none of these elements—they dare not as they would lose. They can’t afford to risk exposing the truth else their house of deceitful cards would crumble.

So why are they and have they been so successful recently? I see several factors at play here.


There’s a growing number of Americans that haven’t had proper exposure to the principles of America's founding and guns as has past generations. They could care less if government stepped in and confiscated all the guns—it’s not important to them. I saw this in my corporate career.

Upon retiring from the Army in 1995, I was hired on to manage a software development program whose purpose was to train Brigade and higher commanders and their staffs in the combat decision making process. We obviously needed more cutting edge software and systems engineers than anything. I hired many who, in their 20’s and 30’s, had the most up to date knowledge and training in the latest software and systems tools and techniques. One very common characteristic I observed is that these young men and women grew up with computer screens not guns as did those of us who now shoot 49’er and above. They could care less about guns.

Granted this was a narrow sample of the 20/30 age generation but when applied to the general population, I see a very positive correlation. So the generational problem is one we most definitely face—a generation with minimal experience with or exposure to guns and even less educational exposure to what our Bill of Rights and the Constitution mean to America which in a word, results in “ignorance" and I don't say that in a disparaging way--it's just fact.

Another factor we face is growing apathy. Let’s face it; America is rich beyond belief compared to other countries of the current world and those civilizations throughout history. We’ve become lethargic to an ever growing degree because we have access to more than we need to survive. When people reach this state of plenty they become comfortable in their lethargy. As long as they have food to eat and money to indulge in entertaining themselves without relatively too much worry, “hey, life is good do what you want world, I’m fine just don’t upset my easy chair.” Trouble is, this attitude has always been ripe pickings for the tyrant class and they’re harvesting an ever growing crop in America these days.

As I see it, our main foes in this fight are deceit, ignorance and apathy. How do we fight this? I’ll just give you the view from my foxhole. I’m sure your view of the battlefield will be from a different angle so your perspective may very well be differ somewhat.

Obviously we must do what we can to influence our little part of the world to overcome the sociologically based apathy and ignorance factors but in the political arena we must adopt a unified NO compromise approach. As I’ve written many times in the past, when those charged with enforcing and upholding the law, ignore the law, there is no law.

The anti-gun element continues to demonstrate it will stop at nothing in their attempt to infringe on your right to keep and bear arms and no amount of discussion will sway them. Facts, the law and the Constitution be damned. Those who refuse to accept facts as part of any discussion are clearly driven by an agenda of deceit not truth and therefore honest dialog is futile.

If anti-gunners can’t outright ban guns today they’ll try to control ammunition, impose new taxes on firearms and components, require onerous insurance laws, expand medically based restrictions on gun ownership, sign on to United Nations treaties, compel magazine restrictions, demand universal background checks that opens the door to universal registration which in turn leads to confiscation etc etc etc. Bottom line, they’re attacking on multiple fronts simultaneously.

They demand compromise on issues they have no constitutional authority to even broach. Many on the pro-gun side unfortunately are falling for these offers of compromise, deluding themselves into thinking that if we just give in to these few new restrictions, they’ll go away. News flash: they’ll never go away and Thomas Jefferson knew it, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.”

This anti-gun assault will not stop until the pro-gun side stops it cold. The willingness to talk about degrees of infringement must be steadfastly resolute and irreversibly limited to just one word—NO! We must refuse to discuss any proposed infringement with those whose agenda is based on deceit and whose ultimate goal is subjugation. Simply put, if patriots are unwilling to resolutely say NO, then we will indeed lose.

You cannot compromise away the principle of unalienable rights because those rights were not endowed by man but by God. Compromise of principle is therefore not compromise; it’s surrender. As Jefferson advised, “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”

Patriots must stand like a rock today or America could fall like straw tomorrow.

Are we outnumbered and is our fight futile? Keep in mind the overwhelming odds faced by our 18th century forefathers. Only 1/3rd supported the Revolution, 1/3rd opposed it and the final 1/3rd was apathetic and in the “who the hell cares” category.

What saved us then will save us today—a passionate commitment and dedication of a unified force to a righteous
cause. The pro-gun organizations and forces must combine, coordinate and cooperate to focus on standing the ground we know to be right and do so with unwavering resolve. I write about this in my April editorial; “Needed: 1798 Resolve in 2013.”

Can we win? Emphatically, the answer is Yes! I leave you with a quote from one of our more well known founders who convinced many doubters of his era with this:


“They tell us…that we are weak – unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be when we are totally disarmed…Three million people, armed in the holy cause of liberty…are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.” ~ Patrick Henry ~


That 3 million of Patrick Henry’s day has grown to 80-100 million gun owners today and if there is anything politicians fear its great numbers unified and focused on a righteous cause. A force that grows in resolve and becomes an unstoppable tsunami of political power will defeat any force thrown against it.

Keep the heat on high; NEVER compromise your principles and NEVER surrender.

Soldier on my friends. Remain faithful and remain resolute…







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What I'm seeing is an effort on the administration surge in going to states, and urging states to pass tough laws. with less resistance from Liberal controlled states, and easier to pass tough gun laws compared to Federal Gun laws with conservatives, and Liberals coming up for re-election, and trying to get the House back under Liberal control. I believe we'll see more from more states, in coming months, and a surge from the administration urging this. MT.

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Thank You for stating the mission in clear terms. NO laws; infringing on our rigths; are acceptable. NO compromises. Just say NO to new taxes on components for reloading. Get creative in saving lead and powder. Continue purchasing guns, ammo and brass. They are a better savings account than money in the bank when the mega-inflation comes.

We will win. It only took about 3 per cent of the population; actively engaged; to win the Revolution. Be part of the 3 percent that stop the evil.

Off my soap box now,

Marty Mudd

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As I've psoted separately, SASS HQs has been focused on encouraging national level gun organizations such as the NRA, GOA, SAF and Ruger to combine and coordinate their efforts in tackling this mission.

I’ve personally spoken to the division heads and CEOs of these organizations; have established a formal partnership between SASS and those groups and have maintained an on-going dialog with them.

In the course of those discussions, I’ve talked about SASS’s support of a combined and coordinated force. They have individually agreed on the effectiveness of such a unified approach but actually braking the ice initially in linking arms has yet to occur. The GOA has opened the door for just such a cooperative effort by invitating the NRA to join them in supporting the upcoming senate filibuster of Reid's gun control bill.

If you agree with this combined approach SASS is proposing, I’d ask you to make contact and encourage these organizations to combine their efforts and focus all our great numbers on a common target. This would be much more effective than 3 or 4 separate actions even if the words were the same.

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the anti gun folks, most of them do not even know that friendly competitions exist

family, friends, that legaly use firearms for recreation

like bowling, bingo only different - - - etc

hobby shootist


perhaps they need to understand that limits on ammo etc, will make their decade old hobbies much different

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MOLON LABE !!!!! (come and take them)


"From my cold dead hands"

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As Roger Ebert would have said two thumbs up!

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'Cause we made a promise we swore we'd always remember
No retreat, baby, no surrender
Blood brothers in the stormy night
With a vow to defend
No retreat, baby, no surrender



Great using their own words against them ain't it.






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