Widder, SASS #59054 Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 My friend, Person 'A' was advertising an item on one of the popular advertising networks. Person 'B' contacts him and wants to buy the product. Sooooo, Person 'B' forwards a payment using a company name check. The payment was SIGNIFICANTLY MORE than required. Inside with the payment was a note that told Person 'A' to take the appropriate amount for payment PLUS any other amount needed for shipping expenses, traveling to shipping site, etc. AND THEN, send any leftover funds back to ..........a different name & address than Person 'B's name or address on the check. Person 'A' smelled something rotten and called the company name listed on the check. BOGUS CHECK. Person 'A' is trying to contact the bank listed on the check and so far, he thinks the bank name is bogus also. NO, person 'A' never shipped out the item he was selling. But for now, it appears that person 'B' had managed to get some bogus or forged checks listing a company name and using those to purchase items over the internet. We gotta be cautious with all our dealings. ..........Widder
Capt Stephen D Hill, SASS #56151 Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 Sounds like the same guy outta Kaliforny that had "GunPal". Got burned by him pretty bad!!
Monco Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 Hard to believe there are still dips**ts out there trying that old trick. Hope that everyone selling is smarter than to fall for that one any more. Wish I had the time to track the buyer's trying it down.....would be fun to go along with scam and dress up as delivery man. I think a good number of those scams come from over seas tho.
Iron Pony Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 Widowmaker we had these come up a couple of times a year when folks called about checks coming from the university. I tracked the guys to Florida, specifically one mailbox store the "checks" were being posted from. UPS overnight was normally how the checks came thru but just once they used express mail. None of the checks were ever cashed though several people tried and because there was no loss on the part of the university no one would take any action ref the badguys FORGING and PASSING bogus checks on our name. Not local, on either end, not state, not federal. Nope, none of em would take up the fight. I propbably had four or five cases in two years with at least 25-30 "victims" getting the checks. The folks who ran that popular advertising network were also unimpressed when asked to take some action against the folks using tgheir service to try and run the scams.
Gunner Gatlin, SASS 10274L Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 Thanks for the heads up.... GG ~
Trailrider #896 Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 Howdy, Pards, Tried to sell a color laser copier on Craig's List awhile back. Got the same scam attempt. The purp actually sent the check, but the smell coming over the 'net was extremely high. I not only confirmed the bogus nature with my own bank, but called the bank on which the check was purportedly written. The fraud manager at the bank on which the check was written told me not to even bother sending it to him...as he had a file cabinet full of similar bogus paper! Bottom line is not only "Let the buyer beware!", but let the seller beware! Ride careful, Pards! Godspeed to those still in harm's way in the defense of Freedom everywhere! God Bless America! Your Pard,
Slowhand Bob, 24229 Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 Personal, insurance, public assistance and all other types of scams have become cottage industries for people who are already sitting at home drawing govt assistance checks. It has amazed me at some of the scams that the media has exposed publicly and how often it is people we think of as life's total losers and they are into the system for six and sometimes seven digit sums by the time they are caught. Bogus insurance companies stealing millions from the govt and they do not go after them literally for months after it is exposed on national tv and by then there is nothing to find but an empty building front! No economy can stand for long with such ineptitude, no matter how wealthy. Its amazing that these are so often uneducated, unemployable individuals and yet they are scamming what we would consider much more intelligent people.
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