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Forty Rod was right

Buffalo Creek Law Dog

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Remember a couple of years ago when the economy started going down the toilet and 4T said not to panic, and hold on to your investments as they will come back? Well, he was right. Our investmets had dropped 28% when it finally hit the bottom during March 2009. Since then they recovered 26.5 of the 28%. Only 1.5% to go and will be back to what we had in July 2007 and, it appears that by July this year it will have recovered to what it was in July 2007. That being the case, the investments will be the equivilant of stagnating for four years.


Well 4T, I took your advice and it sure seems to be working, hopefully by this summer our investments will start making money again.


They said on TV last night that if you bought stocks during the spring of 2009 when everything was at the bottom, you would have doubled your investment today. If a person only knew........Damn.....why didn't I ask 4T? :o


One problem with the market today is ist's filled with people who don't understand investments and panic easily.

Stay the course is generally a good strategy. My stuff is coming back nicely too. People who sold low and are buying gold now continue to shoot themselves in the foot financially.


Remember a couple of years ago when the economy started going down the toilet and 4T said not to panic, and hold on to your investments as they will come back? Well, he was right. Our investmets had dropped 28% when it finally hit the bottom during March 2009. Since then they recovered 26.5 of the 28%. Only 1.5% to go and will be back to what we had in July 2007 and, it appears that by July this year it will have recovered to what it was in July 2007. That being the case, the investments will be the equivilant of stagnating for four years.


Well 4T, I took your advice and it sure seems to be working, hopefully by this summer our investments will start making money again.


They said on TV last night that if you bought stocks during the spring of 2009 when everything was at the bottom, you would have doubled your investment today. If a person only knew........Damn.....why didn't I ask 4T? :o


Yeah, I followed that advice in 2002 ~ and it was bad advice then, too. We lost 65% of the value of our investments in that crash and it took until 2007 for us to recoup those losses.


When the DOW hit 14,000 in the Summer of '07 ~ record territory and analysts voices hit high "c" ~ I started looking for a safe haven. Sold out all our equities when the market dropped into the 13's and bought back in shortly after it bottomed out at 6,500 in early 2009. Yes, we doubled our investments in that one period.


BUT! The market has returned to a "normal high" area in the 12,000+, but with little basis for this optimism. Unemployment is still 9%. Mortgage foreclosures in the 4th quarter of 2010 tied for an all time high. When the market gets into the upper 12,000's (if unemployment has not shown a significant drop), I will move between 50% to 70% of my investments back into safe havens. The rest will move as soon as a truly significant market drop occurs (500-600 fast points).


I don't concern myself with the normal 200 to 300 point variations, just the macro-picture.


Buena suerte, to you all



Remember, foreclosures, unemployment, and mortgage rates are not the stock market and vice versa. I stayed the course and by mid summer may be able to afford the retirement I took six years ago.


I don't expect to be filthy rich, but I'll get smudged a bit.


Always remember: THE STOCK MARKET WILL GO UP...AND DOWN. If there were no risk it wouldn't be an investment, it would be a savings account.


Stay the course . . . . and . . . diversify.


I tell people that I am exempt from capital gains. They ask, "Why?" Answer? I have loss carry forwards that will outlast me and anything I can gain, unless the IRS reestablishes the limitation on loss carry forwards.


And take a look where gold has gone...no where but up. Today it closed at $1385 per oz.Wish I had gotten more


wish everyone well money wise..




How come he gets to be right? lol....



he is right cuz he is older than us....


check out gold charts. a year ago it was at $1100. six months ago it was at $1200....one wonders just where it will be in another 6 months. (so what is my 2oz of nuggets gonna be....wow..)





he is right cuz he is older than us....


check out gold charts. a year ago it was at $1100. six months ago it was at $1200....one wonders just where it will be in another 6 months. (so what is my 2oz of nuggets gonna be....wow..)




Sooner or later gold will plunge. It would take a nosedive tomorrow if I bought some today but I'll hold off so you can be wealthy for a few more months.



Sooner or later gold will plunge. It would take a nosedive tomorrow if I bought some today but I'll hold off so you can be wealthy for a few more months.



Yup. Now is NOT the time to buy gold.


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