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2010 Cowboy Christmas

Muddy Creek Sam, SASS# 78004

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And a Merry Christmas back atcha! Haven't seen you around these parts for awhile, hope all is well.



Hi Sam long time no see..

Goty arm in a sling (rotory cuff surgery.) Last monday doing great. Can lift arm above head almost unheard of by Dr.


see Ya CCBA


I did this last year and ordered what my "kid" wanted, a couple of collars for a dress shirt. My "Santa" never sent me anything. I emailed him and told him he could get me anything pertaining to black powder. I emailed Hedley LaMarr and didn't get a response from him. Hate to be a grinch but that's the first and last time I participate. So Merry Christmas and to all Good Luck! :blink:


Now you know why those of us who know & love Rye call him Rye "Scrooge" Miles. :rolleyes:


Course, I've done this Cowboy Santa thing fer years & never got burnt.



Merry Christmas!


Fröhliche Weihnachten!


Mele Kalikimaka!


Feliz Navidad!


Glædelig Jul!


Joyeux Noel!


Buone Feste Natalizie!


Nadolig Llawen!

Join the fun!

--Santa Dawg


OK, my name is in.


Thanks for the heads up.






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