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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Everything posted by Rooster Ron Wayne

  1. Just Sayin you can probably buy a Brass Frame Pietta 44 and barrel length you want for about as cheap as your going to pay for all the parts you need . Good luck . Rooster
  2. I have never had this happen with any of my APP loads that I'm aware of ? Nothing has ever seemed out of order that I could tell .
  3. I'm not sure if your trying to ask a question or just make a statement. I am also a 44 Man . I load and shoot 44 Magnum , 44 Special & 44 Russian. If you shoot and load 44 Russian. You can replicate the 44 Henry flat exactly the same as it was originally shot , Just in center fire . Just Sayin Rooster
  4. Around and around we go . Where we stop , Only the buyer will know ! Free Bump
  5. To help sweeten this deal . I got 100 Once Fired Small Pistol Primers , I will throw in for Free to buyer ! You pay actual shipping cost . Free Bump
  6. The pressure is off . One more to go . 357 Blackhawk FlatTop, Do I here Five Fifty, Five Fifty any one got 550 Five Fiftey any one in at Five Fifty Free Bump!
  7. A lot of us are on both YouTube and Rumble because YouTube really sensors you their platform these days. I am ( BigRooster616 ) on YouTube and Rumble. Rumble is a much gun friendly platform.
  8. If you can take it apart and clean it . You can put a spring kit in it yourself. More or less just like a Colt setup . Hand is a little different but not rocket science . Just order a spring kit and do one at a time and enjoy the process. Rooster
  9. Premium ? I do pay 13.99 a month for a membership on YouTube. I don't have to watch advertising. My wife and I cut cable a few years ago. We got Amazon Prime and a Amazon fire stick . We watch free TV. We watch YouTube or Westerns on Pluto TV. With a membership on YouTube you don't have to watch advertising so we watch a lot of YouTube. Just about anything you want to watch is on YouTube. It's definitely worth the 13.99 a month IMHO . Rooster
  10. Amazing to think about all the hand fitting that had to be done back in the day to build a rifle like that for 18.00 . True Craftmen way back when . Rooster. PS. Good Video. Thank you
  11. My bad . You are correct. My eyes deceived me . My apologies Pard Rooster
  12. The 357 is a Three Screw model. Has it been converted already ? If it has do you have the parts ? The 44 is a Super Blackhawk New Model.
  13. Its another iteration of the Jackal 44 they had at shot show 2025 . See it in the background !
  14. https://youtu.be/zIYOJ_hSs0o?feature=shared
  15. Who ever bought this . Thank you ! My weakness was overcoming me
  16. So sorry for your loss. Rooster
  17. I was in the experiment trial run of this program in Michigan. I had my right knee done . When I started the program I could hardly walk on my right leg. I was seriously considering knee replacement. They did 6 injections in my knee . It worked 100% for me . My right knee is still good years latter . I would highly recommend it . Before I opted to go under the knife . Rooster
  18. It's better to know Jesus before you are sent to see him ! This was not a smart move on his part . He is lucky to still be sucking air .
  19. I'm nor interested in one for Cowboy Action Shooting. I'm interested in just have a real good Pump 44 magnum.
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