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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. Yellowjacket, a type of wasp. Bumblebee. These aren't exactly to scale, the bumblebee is smaller than the yellowjacket
  2. That's got to be the smartest thing you've ever posted here. (You tell anybody I said that and I'll deny it). And if everybody would do so, the world would be a much better place. Unfortunately too many don't people do that. They either want to tell others what to think, do, and say, or they simply look for a reason to be offended so that they have something to complain about.
  3. I doubt it. I heard most of those from my misspent youth, long before Vance's time.
  4. They might well have been. When they cycled the actions, the mechanism looked like 94s. But if Henry uses a similar action they could have been Henrys. I just looked at Henry's website, and I don't think they were Henrys. In the movie the loading gate was easily visible, but I can't say that I could see the side ejection port that Henrys have. What ever they were, they should have been Sharps Carbines.
  5. Another article on this: The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the newly-introduced Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) by U.S. Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) “is a timely proposal that deserves passage.” https://www.ammoland.com/2025/01/my-gun-my-choice-second-amendment-guarantee-act-deserves-passage/ And more good news: GOP Senators Introduce Bill Prohibiting Gov’t. Contracts with Anti-2A Groups. https://www.libertyparkpress.com/gop-senators-introduce-bill-prohibiting-govt-contracts-with-anti-2a-groups/
  6. We just finished watching it. It was okay, costuming was good, gun leather was good, most of the guns were good. A couple characters were carrying S&W revolvers. The worst though was U.S. Cavalry using brass plated Winchester 94s.
  7. I liken it to the Bridge Crew of Kirk's Enterprise: They were all simply the best at what they were doing, and their diverse backgrounds had nothing to do with it. I've said this before, and I'll probably say it again: As a young Marine I learned that if a man can and will do what needs to be done, his race, religion, national origin or sexual orientation don't matter. If he can't or won't do what needs to be done, his race, religion, national origin or sexual orientation don't matter.
  8. Okay, my first thought...
  9. Diverse people working together for a common goal. THAT'S the key.
  10. I'll be the first to admit that Glocks are fine pistols. Probably 2/3rds of the nation's Police Forces use them. I don't like them. I still carry my 1911 or my Ruger NMV for EDC. I'm not a cop, and I never played one on TV. I'm just an old Marine who wants to be able to cover my butt, I don't need to take out the entire gang, just get clear.
  11. You need to cool off. No need to get hot under the collar about it.
  12. I think that it was the Winter of '87-'88. I was stationed at NAS South Weymouth Massatoshits. Weymouth is South of Boston, Housing was in Quincy, about halfway between the two. I woke up to about a foot or so of new snow. They hadn't gotten around to clearing the streets yet, so I shifted my Jeep into 4X4 and headed off to the Base. I took Mass. Route 3 towards the base, as usual. It wasn't cleared either. Mass. 3, while not an Interstate, is a Limited Access Highway, so it's like one. Pretty much no traffic, except one set of tracks, which I followed. Before long, I caught up to the guy making them, a taxi cab. I followed him for a while, but he was going slower and slower. I finally downshifted and went around him, now being the one plowing the way. I reported for Duty on time, but about half the Squadron didn't make it in.
  13. From Breitbart, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) introduced legislation this week that would prevent states from banning rifles and/or shotguns that are legal federally. The legislation, the Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA), would operate as a national preemption law, preventing states from banning firearms the federal government has not banned. Moreover, it would undo bans contained in laws like New York’s SAFE Act. Full article here: https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2025/01/18/gop-rep-introduces-saga-act-if-you-like-your-ar-15-you-can-keep-your-ar-15/
  14. Back in about 1981, Jacksonville N.C. got hit with about 2 FEET of snow. Camp Lejune was pretty much shut down for a week or so. MPs were shuttled to the Guard Gates by Amtrack. (Not an actual image from that time).
  15. One of my Gym T-shirts.
  16. Then I stand corrected.
  17. I probably would have taken a panel off the box then.
  18. When I was tasked with such purpose, I took a picture of the previously obtained box with my phone, because I was knowledgeable enough to know what I was in for.
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