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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. Hey Forty, I hope you don't mind that I stole the name, but it fits us. Mostly older guys, we work out at the gym, go shooting, and talk a lot of politics. If I ever happen to get to Prescott I'll be sure to check you guys out.
  2. That's for darn sure! I can't mute them fast enough.
  3. I'm a borderline Luddite. I don't have, comparatively speaking, a lot of tech. My cell phone, (which I don't use much), is a flip phone. The confuser I'm on now is a Windows 10. Our newest vehicle is a 2006, and they have a CD player in them. However, I absolutely LOVE my DVR. We rarely watch any new shows live. We let them record, then watch them on the DVR so we can blow through the commercials.
  4. About 10 years ago I was pulled over for blowing a Yellow light. When the Cop walked up he asked me something like,"You have any guns, knives, rocket launchers or anything?" I said, "Yes. I've got a .45 here on my right hip." He looked at me for a half second and said, "Just don't shoot me and we'll be fine." I didn't get a ticket.
  5. If History is any indicator, it'll go on until Israel beats their opposition into submission and they quit. Whether from attrition of fighters, money, or simply because Israel is taking too much of their territory. Israel will accept the surrender and go back to leaving everybody else alone. Then sooner or later some other Muslim group will attack out of the blue and start it all over again.
  6. I knew this one guy that decided to shoot his own turkey for Thanksgiving one year. He REALLY scared everybody else in the Walmart.
  7. I think that the Chinese have a very strong sense of family, and that they're all family working there.The accent, I don't know. They might do it because it's expected.
  8. I've relatively recently started having a social life. My wife and just don't have friends. we have people that we know, but no real friends. I used to have my friend of 50 years back in Ohio, but lost him about 3 years ago. But since retiring, I've started going to the gym, and there HAVE made friends. I initially started with a trainer, since I hadn't worked out in 30 years, but later started working out with a guy I met there. Now he's been going for years, so he knows just about everybody in the place. But for some reason, he and I started hanging out together. So a while back, he asked if I wanted to get together for lunch. So he, another guy and I went to a small place that I take my wife to and had at it. The next month, we did it again, And so on. It's very informal, one of us will just say "Hey, lunch Friday?" And we're off. We've taken to asking more and more guys to go, and last time we had 8. Since I'm not a very original thinker, I stole the name "The Grumpy Lunch Bunch" from Forty Rod, and everybody likes it. When we go, we can get "lively", but nobody seems to mind and we get a lot of laughs from the crowd. My wife has her things, and I have this. Keep to it.
  9. Not to disparage her, but unless I'm looking wrong, she wants $425 for 500 .38 rounds, $469 for .45 Colt, and $429 for .45ACP. That comes to $42.50 for a box of .38s. I can get 500 rounds from Miwall for $180 shipped. It's even less than $400 for 500 .45 Colt. I understand that hers are "Cowboy" loads, but I'm just looking for something to poke holes in paper with. If I'm looking at the wrong place, please show me.
  10. There was a Fedex driver here that seemed to never be able to figure out that my house with the six inch high numbers on it was my address. He kept delivering my stuff next door to the house with no numbers. Since some of these deliveries were from Amazon, I was able to complain through them. I was not polite about it. Lo and behold, I received an email from Fedex apologising for the problem, WITH contact info for the manager, and it hasn't happened since.
  11. Neither is "Brokeback Mountain". I'd say anything set any later than the 1930s, (that way many Roy Rogers and Gene Autry movies qualify) don't count. Neither do things like "Yellowstone", "Longmire", or "Justified".
  12. I know that this might be better suited on the main Wire, but since I spend more time here, I'm asking here. I don't reload, and I'm probably not going to. BUT, I have been saving brass for years because there used to be a place in town I could have it reloaded for a decent price. I recently contacted them about doing so, and their cost was as much to reload MY brass than the cost of buying from several online places including shipping. My question is this: Is there someplace that WILL reload or trade my brass that will significantly save me money?
  13. To be fair, from what I've read, most cowboys wore either Bowlers or "Boss of the Plains" hats, neither of which have much style, and would bore the audience. When Costner did "Wyatt Earp", it seemed like everybody was wearing brown. BORING.
  14. That right there is absolutely the RIGHTEST thing you've ever said.
  15. I seriously doubt that Hollywierd costume directors know or care about period correct clothing any more than they know or care about period correct guns. The costumer is going to dress their actors in whatever the movie director wants or can afford, or both. If it's a Western, they're just going to say "Cowboy hat" and let it go at that.
  16. When I was still working, my work truck, (tractor-trailer), had a backup camera on it. The trailer has a liftgate also. What I did to make it work best for me was to set the liftgate on the ground so that I could see it in the camera. Then I took a marker and drew an outline of the liftgate on the screen of the system. That way, I could put the liftgate within inches of where I wanted it when backing. The camera on my pickup is in the license plate frame, set so that the bottom of the screen is where the tailgate sets when down. If I needed to hitch a trailer to it, I would probably draw a vertical line showing where the hitch is and use that to line up on the trailer. If my camera was on the tailgate though, I'd use your idea.
  17. I watched that yesterday. I kinda questioned the one gal's choice of attire, but otherwise a good video that shows what happens to most Antis when you actually get them to the range.
  18. Promotional picture of the panel from "The View"?
  19. I had something like this one in my Jeep YJ back in the '80s. I managed to separate the top from the base, and inserted a green LED into it, spliced into the instrument gauge light wiring. It was liquid filled, so when lighted, the whole thing glowed green.
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