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Hashknife Cowboy

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Everything posted by Hashknife Cowboy

  1. Pietta Firearms had a booth at Cowboy Christmas which is a part of the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas and shared with me a Lightning was on schedule for release in 2026. And that was all he knew, so I was told. At this point I feel it is a rumor although they had many fine firearms on display to handle and examine. We'll see.... https://piettafirearms.com/
  2. I could not afford to shoot if I did not reload. I love the big bore handgun calibers, the cost of factory is obscene, As often as reloading equipment shows up on the wire, consult another CAS member who reloads and begin to roll your own. You won't regret it. I load 44-40 for a old Winchester I have no regrets....the savings will be huge.
  3. Still dreaming for a pair in .44 Spcl in the barrel length of 7.5......
  4. My favorites are my Winchester 94, from 1960 and my Marlin 336 Texan from 1969. In the new category, the new Marlin 336 Classic got my attention at a LGS. One of my friends loves his Henry - H009G. But these are hunting rifles, I have taken many a elk with my Marlin 336 T, using 170 grain bullets at less than 150 yards.
  5. For the Cowboy or Cowgal who has everything..... I have a pair of never worn, never used Lindholm Bronze Sours. They are no longer made and are truly a work of art. They are a bit too aggressive for me to consider using on a horse, but the CAS cool factor is quite high. And the jingle bobs are real. Without straps, $275.00, with the J. Constanza straps, add $100.00. I will get shipping.
  6. Maybe, depends on the type of bridle. In my case, it goes over one ear and absolutely not. If I'm out n the boonies I will carry the lead rope and rope halter on the saddle on a lash point and not on the horses head. I keep the head as unencumbered as possible. My reins are tied on with leather so they would break and I would fall off the cliff.....
  7. I bought one last summer and have no intent to use it for CAS. All my loads are right at 1.50 in length and have never had a misfeed. For the bullet I am using the Hornady .357 158 gr SJHP and some Berry's 125 gr FMJ-RNFP. Never a problem one, it is a fun little rifle. Powder is 231 or Unique. I have no plan for an action job. Good luck, I absolutely love mine. Taking it javalina hunting in February.....
  8. From my vantage point, it really began during the Great Dumpster Fire of 2020, Covid lock down. As a college professor we had to change our delivery format to Zoom. So for the next 4 semesters, I saw many students attending class from bed, wardrobe consisted of pajamas, sweats and quite often, underwear. Guys in boxers alone got really old, for those who crossed the decency line, I just blanked out their screen, both male and female. When we regrouped back in person the entire wardrobe seemed to change. Pajamas seemed to become the norm everywhere. I was raised by a Texas Cowboy (dad) who preached to me, you have one shot at a first impression, don't mess it up. It only seemed to get worse, my last semester in the world of higher education came to a close in May of 24, pajamas in the classroom and in Walmart or the grocery store seemed to be the norm. I recently hired a 17 year old young man to to help with barn chores and he showed up wearing Power Rangers pajama pants, lets just say he the job didn't work out for him. Yes my generation still judges people appearance, vocabulary and table manners. Just my opinion......
  9. Immaculate condition lens, changed all my photography to mirrorless cameras. I recently sold the camera body for it and it needs a good home. $1100.00 and I get the shipping and insurance. If in Alaska or Hawaii, well need to work something out. PM me if interested.....Do the research, it is a great lens!
  10. Keep them out of sight, be polite and be respectful. I was stopped years ago for a minor speed violation in CA and within the cup holder was a Colt Armorers coffee mug, pre Yeti mugs. The Officer told me to exit the vehicle because he was going to search the vehicle based upon a Colt mug, stating I was obviously a "gun guy." Before this got out of hand I displayed my law enforcement credentials from AZ and politely told him to re-think this. At the time I was a Detective Lieutenant. He rethought this order and began to apologize profusely. Lets just say we had quite the discussion and with letters to follow to his Commanders. I have been retired for quite sometime and and support the efforts of our men and women in LE. It is a difficult job when done correctly, done incorrectly and bad things follow. To add comment to the video, how many women carry within a purse with a built in holster. Does the 4th Amendment apply to purses, how big a search could this become? Ladies how personal are the contents within your purse, I refer to my wife's purse as the abyss for a reason. Something to ponder.... Support our police, support higher standards in education and in character. Sadly one ill informed officer reflects badly on the overwhelming majority of quality officers. On a humorous note: Driving to CAS event, lots of guns and ammo onboard. Suicidal deer jumps into my grill and trashed the radiator. I am dead in the water. AZ Highway Patrolman shows up and investigates the wreck. Tow truck arrives along with my friend Joe, we then begin to remove the CAS accouterments and put them into his SUV. Mr. Highway Patrolman sees lots of cool guns, he gets the tour of the guns and gear and is still shooting CAS. I love AZ. Keep them out of sight, be polite and be respectful.
  11. Final Price Reduction: If it doesn't sell its going to the back of the large metal box. For Sale: 36 year old - Unfired- Ruger Old Army - stainless - adjustable sights - 7 1/2 inch barrel - .457 ball caliber - $800.00 and I get shipping to lower 48. Gun has been in the safe for decades, never capped, loaded or fired. has original yellow box, owners manual and nipple wrench. PM me.
  12. I was a a recent trade show and asked about the rumor of a upcoming Pump gun by Pietta. The employee from Pietta did not deny its development but went on to say don't expect to see one until perhaps 2026....In case anyone is interested.
  13. I met an Elder of a AZ Tribe who shared the stories of the beatings as a young boy which caused him to walk home about 200 miles. Yes, I believe it was true....
  14. Sometimes you just have to share a couple, after all it is the greatest birthday celebration ever!
  15. AZ black bear in power nap mode.. I was e mailed and asked is the bear dead? Not in the least, he was breathing so hard it sounded like my Pard Stumpy snoring!
  16. I have a pair, style 2012, great riding boot. Downside is the break in period, similar to Olatha's break in period. Recently got a pair of these....absolutely love them! https://www.tecovas.com/products/the-cody
  17. Joe Perkins can do it, worth the wait also.....there are many choices. https://classicsingleaction.com/
  18. We went down to high 30's this morning, I thinking abut it. It will be wood stove first. I'm in denial.....Life at 7000 feet. I gave in this morning, the wood stove started burning wood at 6 Am on Oct 10th.......it has begun. Heaters for the horse troughs will not be far behind...... Snow is finally on the forecast for the evening of the 18th, on the 17th and 18th during the daytime it will be wind and rain. I hope you hunters invested n waterproof and windproof.....
  19. We haven't done this in a while, at least that I am aware of.... Free to a new shooter, that is the only requirement: Shooting cuffs...... PM please if it is something you want. Recipient is the person who responded 1st via the time stamp on the message, whether through the classified or PM. Thanks to all for looking. Lets keep the thread alive, too much negative in our world currently.
  20. Someone please buy this pistola, it is a great value at the reduced price. There has got to be a handgun hunter out there who needs this.....
  21. If you still have these, I will take them..... PM me with the info......
  22. For those of us who grew up in the Phoenix area during the 60's, Wallace and Ladmo taught us kids how to tell time. Their show came on at 4 PM and all of us kids would run or pedal our bikes on home to not miss a minute of it. Although I never won a Ladmo bag it wasn't for trying. Thanks for the memories and to Dr. Zook for the post. On a side note, I was able to meet with Ladmo as an adult and was able to personally thank him for all that he and Wallace had done for the kids. Classy gentleman they both were. Maricopa County was a simpler place back then....
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