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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. So Wallaby’s 14 hours ahead of EST?
  2. A good hot dog to try is mayo, dill pickle slice and a slice of American or mild yellow cheddar cheese.
  3. I used to have up a number of gun related tin signs near my reloading bench but once a sign or picture goes up it becomes scenery that blends in and I don’t noticed when I am focused. I do now listen to music when reloading, but no TV and zero interaction with anyone else. I used to not listen to music when reloading. Since quitting the last job I hated I like music again. If my wife comes in to talk my reloading stops, often for the rest of the day. She knows not to distract me when reloading so she avoids talking to me unless it’s something important.
  4. I used to have heartburn with A1 Steak Sauce and Worcestershire sauce. It’s always baffled me how people lose their minds if someone uses ketchup on meat, but have no problem with A1 Sauce or Worcestershire sauce. One of my favorite memories of my wife when we just getting married was my Dad & Mom took my wife and I to dinner at a Bonanza Steak House. We all ordered steaks. When the steaks came my future wife asked for mustard. As she cut her steak she was dipping it her steak in the mustard and eating it. The look on my Dad’s face was hilarious. I recall saying “Well Dad, at least it isn’t ketchup, right?” He actually laughed and agreed and we went on with dinner. He was normally a typical macho butthead when it came to how he thought people should eat their food…even when he wasn’t paying for it.
  5. Ketchup = Heinz only. My uses; hot dogs with onions. Burgers, Fries, Chicken strips, steaks when someone doesn’t know how to grill them or I want to pizz off someone. Mustard = my favorite is Pilsudski’s Polish style mustard. You can get it at Bass Pro as well as mail order. French’s brown mustard is good. So is their yellow mustard. Love them all on hot dogs, burgers, brats, sammiches. Mayonnaise = Hellman’s or Best Food (same Mayo) I put mayo on pretty much all meats. Sometimes with mustard on brats and smoked Italian sausages. It just dawned on me…I’m a condiment snob.
  6. +5 for Lansky https://a.co/d/b7N8wtX
  7. I guess so.
  8. Years ago, when my daughter was 5 or 6, I told my daughter a story I made up about “Olive, the other reindeer” and how Olive really and truly liked Rudolph but didn’t know how to show it so she laughed at Rudolph when he fumbled and she would call him names. The story ended with Rudolph and Olive becoming mates and having many red nosed reindeer Santa after Rudolph retired from The Sleigh Service. Thank you for reminding me of that. I had forgotten about it. Got something in my eyes. Can’t see wright. Gotta go.
  9. Thank goodness for dumba*** criminals, huh? These scammers really have to work hard to torpedo themselves. Trouble is most people don’t look close enough to things like this and they get burnt. Glad you caught it. When I left CA I was going to change my number (area code) to one local to here in WV. When I realized how many times I would have to update my phone info I resisted. Also, I remembered how many times I have gotten a new phone only to learn that some non bill paying butthead had my new number in the past and decided the CA area code is just fine.
  10. I like it. Man, you sure are strict on yourself in your reloading area. Lighten up. Live a little. Put up another cool sign.
  11. WINNER! This week’s winner of the funniest comment!
  12. What’s a tooth brush?
  13. So, clobber them Unconscious and then destroy the brain. If I would encounter an adult python I would clobber its brain with 00 Buckshot. The first pellets would render it unconscious then the remaining pellets, 1-5 milliseconds later would destroy the brain. Easy and humane, in my book.
  14. The reason I opened this thread in the first place wa I thought a group of Wild Bunch action shooters was calling themselves The Florida Monkeys. A screen shot:
  15. So you can’t shoot pythons? Who in the he** came up with that bull?
  16. I heard Alpo is a multi-tasker. He can watch TV, read a book, post on here and chew gum all at the same time. He’d be the perfect employee for National Enquirer. ”Enquiring Minds Want to Know!”
  17. Just watch your knife points with that work sharp. One wrong move and your point’s gone. I gave mine away to a pard on here. I like the Lansky Sharpening System.
  18. Who makes these shirts? Where do you buy them? I have been looking for decent camp shirts for a while now.
  19. They’ll give you a blanket. No problem.
  20. I thought I was going to get to see a good recipe for cooking children…
  21. No IFF operating on the plane or on the ship’s Combat Systems. Heads are gonna roll!
  22. How does it go into the torpedo?
  23. It’s probably broke. I would return it. I own a solar charger that attaches to a battery pack to charge. When the battery pack is low it literally takes all day to charge the battery pack when outdoors in partial sun and shade -as the sun moves. The solar panel on my pack is 5x5 inches. How big is the panel on yours?
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