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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. I rarely use one. My wife uses one all the time. Actually, now that I think about it, I have used an umbrella about once a year for decades. It’s only if it’s raining and I am wearing a suit.
  2. “Fish and Wildlife would not be renewing the contract” In other words “Leftists in the DFG are shutting it down!” The Dept of Fish and Wildlife used to be called the Dept of Fish and Game. Now under it’s new name it loves taking hunter’s and shooters money but they not hunter/shooter friendly in any way. You can kiss that range goodbye.
  3. Removed for security purpose???
  4. Fake
  5. Found it: https://a.co/d/jh2YMSl
  6. Yep! The guy who developed our Vehicke Maintenance System for Light Rail and Bus side made a half a million dollars by adding 2 digit spaces into all the date codes on a system he devolved in the late 70’s. We phased the thing out a couple of years later. Sheesh!
  7. The “Drive Reach OTR” looks like the one I see on lots of vehicles around here. I asked a couple of guys how they worked for them and they said they were “Okay, but some signal is needed for them to work”. One gent said he uses his on the road and on the east coast he rarely has issues. Out west is another story. He also said it depended on the carrier. He used AT&T but was considering switching to T-Mobile. I am assuming he was concerned about 5G availability.
  8. Everyone I talk to seems to have no idea about the Nitrocellulose issues then when I mention lead and other metals also being impacted by China I get blank stares and dumb questions, like; - How did this happen? - Are you kidding me? You’re messing with me right? Then the conversation usually degrades into politics and so on. People don’t want to hear the truth and when you tell them the truth all of a sudden you are the bad guy. I no longer bother trying to educate the people I encounter at gun stores and the range. I keep thinking of Jack Nicholson in these conversations. You want answers?…You can’t handle the truth!
  9. A huge difference in today’s ships. Fiberglass gun mount enclosures and aluminum super structures.
  10. Happy New Year to you. Yes, I remember Y2K well. The biggest non-event in history. So many millions of dollars wasted on fretting idiots and savvy computer geeks.
  11. On open track it’s usually the track that fails. Possibly due to pushing the limits of the trackwork itself. Occasionally it’s bad wheels - flanges too thin or too short. Sometimes it’s an erosion issue. Washed out roadbeds or erosion near grade crossings. In crossovers and yards most derailments are Operator / Engineer induced.
  12. Thank you. I may have to look into an iPad now.
  13. Thanks Rye. Thanks Marshal. I just assumed iPads were really expensive. I wasn’t aware there were different generations or levels.
  14. Congrats, Rye! Now, I predict it won’t be long until your are streaming all you TV shows and movies to get away from commercials and sensationalized everything. I am assuming that you also use an iPhone if you have an iPad. Did you do everything on your iPhone before the iPad? I ask because I considered getting an iPad, but I am not sure I would use it enough to justify the cost. Edit: Pretty sure Otto is a denizen of the ghetto.
  15. Something I overlooked in my post above about the German restaurant selling carp was all the carp they prepared and sold there were farmed raised carp. @Cactus Jack Calder When I was in Navy “C” school for Mk 26 Guided Missile Launchers in Fridley, MN outside Minneapolis we fished in the Mississippi River. The water in the river there was very clear and clean. State law said that any carp caught in the river was not to be put back into the river. It had to be “disposed of”. We went to the DFG office to get clarification and were told “Just toss them into the woods or give them to a farmer for fertilizer.” So, that’s what we did. I seem to recall the fine being pretty heavy for returning the fish to water. I think that’s why we asked the DFG Officers about it. When I lived in PA before joining the Navy treating any fish to a sunbathing session was illegal.
  16. That’s a cool little chopper. Could it fly?
  17. Yes, rail is ground when the profile flattens or becomes worn abnormally. The standard for Light Rail is 115 lb rail. It has been for decades. 60 lb rail is Trolley rail.
  18. Thanks @Dusty Devil Dale I never tried a “tinkle test” but was aware split cases sounded different if dropped. I just didn’t know how they sounded. I used to inspect all of my cases. I don’t do that any more unless I am trimming them for length. What I do is I vibe / tumble clean my brass then I size and de-prime then, before priming, I expand the brass - at this stage a split piece will feel to easy to expand, also If the case is close to splitting it will split while being expanded. You’ll hear a “tink” and pressure on the press handle relaxes. I used to clean, size & de-prime, then prime before expanding. I lost quite a few primers this way. The funny thing is on nearly all of these bad ones they looked just fine to me before expanding them.
  19. Rest in Peace, Mr. Carter.
  20. My bike before yesterday’s ride. Did a short 50 mile jaunt on some back roads. I really need to give that bike a bath.
  21. I was wondering if Silver Carp are edible. It turns out that they are and apparently do not taste bad at all, according to some. https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/eating-most-hated-fish-mississippi-invasive-asian-carp https://realtree.com/fishing/articles/invasive-carp-are-delicious-heres-why-you-should-be-eating-them ^^^^^ People from opposing points of view agreeing on something. Amazing! When I went to Germany for my job in 2010 I was in Erlangen. There is a fish restaurant there that has been in business since 1725, I believe. It’s called Fischkuche Nutzel. They serve White Fish and farm bred Carp. The photos led me to think the carp was white or silver carp. Anyway, when I placed my order I specifically said “I do not want carp. I will have the white fish.” The waitress frowned and said “Our carp is very good. Why do Americans not want to eat it?” ”Carp is considered a dirty fish in the U.S.” She left and returned with my order a half hour later. That was the best fish dinner I have ever had, and I have eaten a lot of fish in my lifetime. There was a piece of paper on the the tray that she brought my dinner on. I took it even though I couldn’t read it. When I got back to the states I found that paper and translated it. “gebackener Karpfen” = baked carp
  22. Now that is a weird bike. I don’t see any place to put your feet. There are no forks. I wonder how long that front end would remain intact after a couple of trail rides or pothole impacts.
  23. Agreed!
  24. I started out intending to only watch a little while. I ended up watching the whole thing. I didn’t realize these carp jump in the daylight. I thought it was only after dark if the fish saw lights on a boat. I am curious why our esteemed Federal Government hasn’t taken steps to eradicate this invasive species. I have my suspicions that maybe they put them there at the behest of Greenies to stop fisherman from wanting to go out in the rivers.
  25. Screw Snopes! I won’t even look. They’re untrustworthy. No offense meant to you, Rye.
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