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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. Not a picture but darn funny!
  2. That’s obviously a lady’s hand in the reflection. If that were my wife this photo would be a blur.
  3. I cut all my Google ties a couple of years ago. Actually 4 years ago. I use DuckDuckGo to view YouTube videos every once in a while, but Google gets nothing from me and I get nothing from them. Also, another gun video group bellyaching about YouTube? They should have left long ago or never started there. I have had enough of the drama regarding YouTube and the Faux Butthurt that just want more views on YouTube, the evil system they use daily to make money with.
  4. My Dad had a unit that changed the channels, increased and lowered volume, adjusted the antenna. I am not sure what it cost him though. The unit was called a “Tom”, the first born…me
  5. When I was in the Navy after a few months on the IO we had watched Stalag 17. For some odd reason many of us, including me, had mustaches and some had full beards. We came up with this scheme to reenact the scene from Stalag 17 the next day. We all cut our mustaches to look like Hitler’s / Chaplain’s the next morning. The guys with beards cut them off except for their Hitler mustache. At Quarters on the main deck we all faced forward to hide our appearance. We usually faced aft. All the other divisions mustering on the foc’sle agreed not to give us extra attention until our Chiefs and Division Officer arrived. At 06:00 hours we could hear the Chiefs and the LT,JG come up behind us. “CO Division! What are you all doing? ABOUT FACE!” We all did an about face raised our right arms and yelled out “Ya vol mein fuhrer!” All the guys on the forward main deck erupted in laughter. Our two Chiefs looked like they were going to bust up. Our LT looked like someone had just gut punched him. We were laughing when from the starboard bridge wing we heard Captain Bob yell “All right, knock that s*** off Gunners Mates and shave that crap off your faces and get to work!” Our LT,JG really looked like he was going to have a conniption. My Chief stepped up and yelled at us to get below and shave. I would bore you with all the details of the ramifications of our act, but we had to do some extra work over the next few days and Yes, it was all worth it. We did get a lecture from our Dept Head regarding Navy regs regarding tomfoolery and the actual regs on the discipline that any USN personnel sporting a “Nazi Mustache” could be sent to the brig for a time no less than a week, but no more than a month (which did concern us until we all realized there was no brig to go to and who would maintain the missile launchers, gun mounts, small arms, etc.) It was definitely worth it.
  6. Yep, those are “Ape Hangers” and pretty much worthless for anything except as follows: 1. Looks - some think it looks cool. 2. I got nothing else… I did ride a friend’s old ‘46 Knucklehead that had ape hangers for about 7 miles. We traded bikes one day. My right hand went numb at about 5 1/2 miles. My left numbed out at 6 miles. I stopped at the 7 mile mark and got my bike back. My friend laughed but said his hands and arms went numb all the time. I told him he should ask his doctor about how bad that is for you. A couple of weeks later he had some shoulder height bars on his bike.
  7. I looked this dish up. I wasn’t hungry before, but I am now. I read Valerie Bertinelli’s recipe…Yes, that Valerie Bertinelli, and it sounds even better than the first recipe I read. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/valerie-bertinelli/beef-braciole-12342630
  8. Alpo, I had a beard for a few years when my daughter was a girl. One day when she was about 15 I trimmed my beard and screwed it up on one side and as I tried to correct my screw up I just made it worse so I shaved it all off. As I was coming out of our bedroom my daughter was coming towards me in our little hallway. She saw me, screamed and beat feet for the front door. I yelled out “Nikki, what’s wrong?” When she heard my voice she stopped, turned around and said “Dad?” ”Yeah” ”You scared the heck out of me.” We still laugh at that memory.
  9. Ah, so AI is okay and human workers are not. In some businesses they are wanting AI to…now get this…to reduce their carbon footprint. Think about it. Ironic isn’t it?
  10. A Kite in a tortilla. There’s a joke in there somewhere. Look what a beautiful bird that little tortilla bird will become.
  11. This was my last beard. According to the date stamp I took this photo on March 25 then shaved it. This past few years I grow one when the weather cools and shave it off in the Spring.
  12. If I were scuba diving and saw that I would have a wet wetsuit.
  13. In 1970 my Dad got out of prison and decided we needed to move to Georgia. Thomasville, GA. My old man had a beard. He couldn’t get a contract for any type of contracting job except this one lady that hired him to trim all the trees on their property. She told him the reason he couldn’t get work was because he looked like a Yankee carpet bagger. He shaved it off the next morning. Didn’t help. We ended up moving again.
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