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Calamity Kris

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Everything posted by Calamity Kris

  1. That is for a package of cookies, not just one. Also, that store is in many major metro areas here in the states. Check and see if there is one near you. We happen to have one near us so I snag a package when I'm there.
  2. You can find them here......... https://www.worldmarket.com/p/arnott-s-tim-tam-original-chocolate-cookies-524748.html
  3. I'm interested also. I have a HUD display in the car so I was going to aim the camera at my windshield to pick up that data as well.
  4. I have been an Ariat fan since I started shooting. Great quality and great fit.
  5. Congrats, Linn. Wishing you both many more.
  6. With Ohtani being injured, it will be interesting to see how the strategy changes. There is a whole lot of gamesmanship behind what details and how much are going to be divulged. They may "Say" he's going to play, but will he really...........
  7. Fabulous. Thank you for sharing that. Just out of curiosity, was there audio with that? My I checked my sound several times and it was working.
  8. Do they have a female version?
  9. I have started doing that myself. I have a friend that needed some patches sewn on their military uniform for a formal event. Instead of payment, I told him to buy me lunch some day, or pay it forward. I have a neighbor that bought a couple of new Gi's and asked me to sew on patches for him. For payment, I asked for a spool of thread to replace the thread I used on his gi. The tax man doesn't need any more of my hard earned money.
  10. Prayers up.
  11. I'm all about sleek...............
  12. When I worked in St Louis, you could always tell when opening day was. The parking lot at work was rather empty.
  13. I had one of them, in red. Screaming chicken and all. Fun to drive. Would pass anything but gas stations. Had to part with it when the cost of repairs, (needed an engine rebuild) were more than it was worth.
  14. YEP we did. Quite a few years ago, Uno and I went to a Bluegrass festival up at Calico Ghost Town. We were tent camping. A strong storm blew in overnight and the temps dropped like a rock. The wind blew the tent down around us. By morning the water in the cooler had frozen and we were equally as cold. A very nice cowboy had his camper parked nearby and offered us some black coffee in tin cups. We were so cold, we drank it, just to warm up. We were very grateful for the warmth.
  15. Had the same argument with my MIL every Thanksgiving. She insisted on (over) cooking a turkey breast in the oven because our crispy deep fried turkey was "under cooked". I wish I could still have that argument with her.......
  16. In memory of Kris Kristofferson.
  17. In memory of the great JD Souther.
  18. Something to get your blood moving this morning.
  19. Speaking of Mark Knopfler....... Features just a few good axe grinders...... Joan Armatrading, Jeff Beck, Richard Bennett, Joe Bonamassa, Joe Brown, James Burton, Jonathan Cain, Paul Carrack, Eric Clapton, Ry Cooder, Jim Cox, Steve Cropper, Sheryl Crow, Danny Cummings, Roger Daltrey, Duane Eddy, Sam Fender, Guy Fletcher, Peter Frampton, Audley Freed, Vince Gill, David Gilmour, Buddy Guy, Keiji Haino, Tony lommi, Joan Jett, John Jorgenson, Mark Knopfler, Sonny Landreth, Albert Lee, Greg Leisz, Alex Lifeson, Steve Lukather, Phil Manzanera, Dave Mason, Hank Marvin, Brian May, Robbie McIntosh, John McLaughlin, Tom Morello, Rick Nielsen, Orianthi, Brad Paisley, Nile Rodgers, Mike Rutherford, Joe Satriani, John Sebastian, Connor Selby, Slash, Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr and Zak Starkey, Sting, Andy Taylor, Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks, lan Thomas, Pete Townshend, Keith Urban, Steve Vai, Waddy Wachtel, Joe Louis Walker, Joe Walsh, Ronnie Wood, Glenn Worf, Zucchero Mark Knopfler is a patron of Teenage Cancer Trust. A final, very special thanks to the late, great Jeff Beck.
  20. Here's a great cover and the original....... Carl Perkins
  21. This is right about the Velociraptor stage with GSDs where everything within reach must be chewed on........
  22. I'm sorry. With my poor eyesight, the video is too distorted for me to see. If I were to venture a guess, the woman most often featured is Linda Ronstadt?
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