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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. Case dismissed with prejudice. IMO, the prosecution completely blew this case.
  2. I've only seen one person do that. I told him, with a straight face, that he forgot to turn his belt around when he got suited up...he was not amused.
  3. And, that was a terrible movie.
  4. I had a Kow 750 two-stroker for a VERY short period of time. That bike was the scariest thing I've ever ridden. I learned a long time ago that I'm not a great motorcycle operator and that mosquito fogger was WAY out of my league...WAY OUT!
  5. My gal made me watch a clip of that this morning. Sheer arrogance...and I guarantee that the jury noticed it.
  6. I will not give my cell phone number OR E-Mail address to anyone. Seems like every one wants one or the other, or both, for one reason or another. If that's what it takes to join your XXXXXX, then no thanks, I'll do without.
  7. The owner or Pietta Firearms, Alessandro Pietta is testifying right now in the trial on Court TV. I don't watch that stuff, but my gal does. His testimony is actually quite interesting and (IMO) damning to Baldwin.
  8. That's a BUNCH of hands in the pie!
  9. That had to be an insider employed by UPS or USPS or Midway where you ordered it from. How else would they know you are getting a package today, have your phone number and probably the tracking number also. Too many coincidences for a random phish. Glad you noticed the package!
  10. If you don't have strong legs, think athlete legs, you're not going to be riding that bike for very long...even on the street. What do they call that thing? Bull Tits would be a good name for it.
  11. Yeah...but I'll be the eldest brother.
  12. No, he'll just pretend he's Michael Jackson.
  13. Out of the six families available, I'll take the Taylors. Cool, but inept, dad, Al, Wilson next door, decent house and hot rods.
  14. Have YOU ordered from this site you posted? 8lb of Unique for $191...yeah, right...and they only take electronic cash transfers of PayPal, Zelle and the like. SCAM CITY
  15. Not only that but after the first time deploying the hat gun, the bad guys didn't bother to tell you to reach, they just shot you in the back....kind of like they did in the real west.
  16. If it doesn't open right away, jiggle the handle.
  17. I remember the commercials for the hat and wanted one but never saw one in the flesh. Plastic hat on a hot day...Hah, no day was too hot when I was a kid, plastic hat (usually a WWII helmet of some type as we had straw CB hats) didn't matter...even in Florida. Back then, it was cooler.
  18. You forgot - If you could really read my mind, why are you still wearing clothes?
  19. That'll teach ya to put the gas cap back on! Seriously, this emissions control crap has cost car owners and regular consumers billions of dollars for little gain. Gas vapors....really? It's gotten beyond ridiculous.
  20. Honest officer, the lime is for lining the lines to the bases.
  21. From the 50th Edition Lyman Reloading Handbook 85gr JHP (Horn XTP #32050) 1.160 OAL Acc#2 - 2.1 starting/2.4 max (909fps) Acc#5 - 3.2 starting/3.8 max (799fps) 100gr JHP (Horn XTP #32070) 1.160 OAL Acc#5 - 3.0 starting/3.4 max (700fps) 85gr (#2 Alloy) Lead #313249 1.210 OAL Acc#5 - 3.6 starting/4.0 max (875fps) Firearm used - S & W Model 31 w/4" barrel There was one other lead bullet listed but the powder requested was not listed.
  22. I use the self-checkout. I rarely even take the items out of the cart and just use the handheld scan gun to tally the groceries. I then take however many bags that I deem necessary to bag the groceries, put the bags in the cart, wheel the cart out to my vehicle and bag them at the truck. I carry a couple of 4 gallon milk crates (sort of like Sgt. C.J. Sabre's only his are 8 gallon) in the back of the truck to put the bags in so the stuff doesn't roll around everywhere and come out of the bags. None of the flunkies watching the self-checkouts for theft have ever said anything and I've been doing it that way, in multiple businesses, for a couple of years now. Makes it a lot easier on me. As far as the people stocking the shelves, they irritate the hell out of me as most of them seem to have the misconception that THEY are more important than the customer, block the aisles with their stock carts and act like they are put out if you ask questions. Next up for Wal-Mart is LED, computer controlled pricing signs so they can change prices without employees doing it manually, so Walmart says (get ready for dynamic pricing). After asking an employee for a price on an item, the employee gleefully told me that he can't wait for the new signs so he didn't have to change prices anymore. I asked him where he was going to apply for a job next. He just looked at me with a puzzled look and then it dawned on him...he won't have a job at Wal-Mart anymore.
  23. I've heard the pundits claim that it wasn't Baldwin's responsibility to check the real firearm to make sure that it was safe. Really? If the scene had called for him to point the real firearm at his own head and pull the trigger...,do you think that he would have checked it to make sure that it was safe? I think he would have. Complete negligence all the way around, including on Baldwin's part.
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