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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. There are several people that come out to the range to shoot their "air guns". Two have .50 caliber, lead projectile rifles. They can get two shots before recharge. They plug their compressors into the receptacle at the end of the 100 yrd line and stay at the tables next to it. From what I've seen of their targets, the holes are about 4" apart at 100. Several more shoot smaller caliber pneumatic rifles at 100 also. They don't shoot, fast but boy are them guys accurate! One guy sometimes shoots screamer groups, told me that the rifle and associated air tanks, scopes, accessories cost him about $4K...way out of the Daisy (my) category. As far as the shortages, real or perceived, I suggest buying what your discretionary income will allow if you are short term light on ammo or reloading items. If you're set on those items, ride out the hype and see what happens on November 5.
  2. I don't think it's "random" with me anymore. I'm pretty sure that all of my body parts have conspired with each other to take turns. Probably drew numbers if I had to guess and I'm very sure that my knees pulled multiple numbers.
  3. Awesome accomplishment! Congratulations!
  4. No, I know about that spot, that's why I remove the mag release upon every cleaning for application of corrosion inhibitor. The spot I'm talking about is on a hollow pin behind the manual safety at the very top rear of the grip.
  5. S & W - M & P Sheild. Manual safety No lock No magazine disconnect (I physically tested it). Just noticed a spot of rust in the picture though. Edit - For some reason, I can't add a pic to this post from my cell phone.
  6. I wonder how many of them mysteriously re-appear from the depth of the lake they fell into.
  7. And Flag Day also! for the Army and for the flag
  8. That's true. Both he AND the NRA supported the ban.
  9. My Dad told me long ago, that the most important reason on deciding on your pick for President is because of the appointments to the SCOTUS. I've remembered that all of my life. By far and away...That is THE most important reason.
  10. I haven't handled all of the different S & W semi's, I can only speak of the ones I have handled.
  11. I've never seen the lock feature on an S & W semi-auto. I know that some of them have a feature that if the magazine is not in the gun, it will not fire. Don't know what this feature is called though.
  12. My old dog, Alex, absolutely loved fireworks, especially bottle rockets. I'd light them off at my shoulder height and he'd "chase" them. I kept the small fireworks (bottle rockets, firecrackers, etc.) in a cabinet drawer in the garage. Anytime I got anything out of that cabinet, he'd go crazy wanting me to shoot some bottle rockets. If we were shooting off fireworks on the 4th or NYE, I had to keep him inside or keep his lease on because he wanted to chase, and catch if he could, ground fireworks which would NOT be a good thing. I haven't shot off any fireworks since he passed, just isn't the same. I miss my boy every day, especially when fireworks are going off in the neighborhood.
  13. I won't sign up for Fox News but I look at their site everyday. I learned a long time ago to pay attention to what the "enemy" is willing to publish, helps me know what they're doing. Fox ain't the enemy, far from it...but it's not unbiased either...none of them are. As a side note. Interesting story today concerning Vista Outdoors (Kinetic Group) and their proposed sale to a Czech company (CSG) of the ammo/powder/primer division. Worth a read imo. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/lawmakers-raise-concerns-sale-ammo-manufacturer-foreign-company
  14. Broken femur? Just think, somewhere Air Force guys had to go without coffee AND air conditioning this morning ...deal with it. Just kiddin', hope your recovery is quick and as painless as it can be.
  15. A jury is deliberating a case right now to determine if the killer deserves life in prison or the death penalty. Happened in Haines City, Florida. Guy walked in, made four female employees and a female customer lay on a floor and executed them with shots to the head. Didn't rob the bank, didn't want money, just wanted to kill, his words. Called 911 after killing the women. Tactical team breached the bank with an armored vehicle, punk gave up. Why is there even deliberation? He's on camera, complete with audio committing the crime, take his ass out front of the courthouse and hang him. YMMV.
  16. I know it's not a meme....just had to anyway.
  17. In the last few seconds of the video, after they jump the counter, a hand can be seen palm up with blood pooling around it in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. That's the only thing that is remotely "graphic" that I can see. Maybe they consider a bullet hole in a monitor "graphic" these days. Personally, I don't see anything "graphic" about it.
  18. A Tennessee Ernie Ford remake of 16 tons... You eat two tons and what do you get. Clogged up arteries and you can't take a s**t.
  19. And I agree with both of ya's. In my best Slim Pickins voice "Now what in tarnation is the World comin' to."
  20. I have shot steel at a range with enclosed bays. The bays have a rear earthen backstop, but the roof is concrete @ about 20' high, the walls are filled cinder block with 3/4" PR plywood and an open-air front . The range is located very close to an International airport and the overhead concrete baffles are required if the range is to stay in operation as 737's and such fly over all the time. Even with targets set at proper angles, the splatter from all of the guns (rifle, pistols, shotgun) is considerably more noticeable than open air ranges, especially shotgun splatter. I've dug lead out of myself on numerous occasions, both there and open-air ranges. The other problem was that smoke and the fine dust kicked up had no place to escape so you breathe that for the entire match. If the indoor range was truly an indoor type, enclosed concrete walls/ceilings range, I wouldn't shoot steel there. If the range had concrete floors/walls/ceilings, no way in hell would I shoot steel there.
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