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Nimble Fingers SASS# 25439

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Everything posted by Nimble Fingers SASS# 25439

  1. You know it’s like art, it is only valued at what other people will pay for it and since there are a lot of people who value Colt Signature guns more than Uberti of the same model pistol or in this case rifle, they kind of are entitled to their opinion. I got you, you don’t value it hirer but don’t criticize the ones whe enjoy collecting 2nd & 3rd generation Colt pistols. I started with the 3rd gen Signature models assembled by the father of the man running Henry rifles and they were beautiful and well put together!! I sold those to afford the 2nd gen ones and then bought the cases and accessories( some Signature kits) to go with the 2nd gen pistols and other than the “signature” on the bullet mold or nipple wrench you can’t tell the difference! So I appreciate your opinion on there not being any difference between Ubertis and the “Colts” but if others disagree and do value them more, respect their opinion as well. I would love to get a Colt 1861 musket for my collection and to represent my great, great grandfather’s service in the 1st Ohio volunteer infantry, even though they supposedly used 1842 muskets. I am happy with the 2nd gen pistols I have and do value them more. They will be a legacy to my son and his heirs to follow
  2. Just need w noticed that I have contacted you about 2 different pistols and have had any success in getting you to answer about the P250 or the North American Revolver. Would be interesting to find out what the deal is. 954-557-8571 if you wouldn’t mind

  3. Saw three in .38 spcl for sale yesterday starting at 1047.00. But none in .44-40. I thought I had posted this yesterday and had included the name of a website where they were listed but don't see it today so maybe I am not suppose to list the website. PM me if you want the sight.
  4. Shot a nice sow in central FL with my Winchester 92 rifle in .44 mag, open sights, and carrying a OMV Ruger in .44 mag in case I needed a short gun. I had dressed as if I was hunting after a cowboy match, was fun.
  5. WHOA! Did I see where Sears sold the "Craftsman" name to Stanley? That has to be one of three nails in their coffin! The other two being DieHard and Kenmore. I always thought iot was stupid of Sears to put their tools in Kmart and Ace, losing traffic into their stores just for the tools. Wow.
  6. I was hoping for the FNX-45, thought that would be a great replacement in .45. I have it and love the way it handle the recoilk and its accuracy along with having a hammer. I guess now I know why Sig came up with a "copy" of the 250, could see the difference between the 2 pistols but there must be.
  7. Bump for anyone who is personally there. Google was ok, and GunBlast was disappointing, but nothing of the companies with "cowboy" toys. So I am hoping some of our fellow pards did go and wouldn't mind sharing.
  8. That's curious, I talked with Tammy at Winchester last week and she told me that the 1873's were sold out until Oct/Nov when a new shipment was coming in, and that the 1866's would be available in February. I informed her to tell the website design group that the needed to change the "1886" to "1866" on the website page. So it is interesting that the regular 1866, that she said would be 1299.99 is out.
  9. And by all means, report back to us on all the new toys, and please check with the Colt guys to find out if there are more double action revolvers coming! We with live vicariously thru your travels. Thanks. Nimbles.
  10. I too was going to suggest going to Henry with the request as their Wisconsin plant is the one that makes the barrels, and they could take on a special order for the right price. He might even get into the next commercial with it. Doesn't hurt to ask, Nimbles
  11. I saw him "Madison", with James Cezieval(sp?) about Iowa river racing and he was an old mechanic in it, he played a good guy, good movie too for those of you in the MIdwest and remember the competitions.
  12. http://winchesterbob.com/ http://www.gun-parts.com/winchesterrifle/ Not sure they will have but worth a look? Nimbles
  13. OK, Cayuse Jack, I stand corrected! As I said back in that day, the wire was full of his delays due to his health and lack of employees to assist him in his workload. But if I am wrong, then I say so. Sorry to hear that he didn't refund you, moved to IL, do you know where as I am from the north shore of Chicago and will in the next year be going back for a visit and it would be interesting to look him up. Nimbles
  14. Got a New Frontier in .44 spcl, one with a 7.5" and one that had a 5.5" but that I threw on a nickel plated Buntline barrel on and did the same to my son's New Frontier in .22, He had a set of Colt Nebraska Commemoratives that he started to shoot with as a Buckaroo (If anyone knows where I can get a Colt Nebraska case, let me know!). I added the Colt Winchester commemorative and threw on a 4.75 .44 spcl barrel on it, and about 4 months ago got a nickel plated .44-40 with a Buntline barrel that I will probably downsize to 7.5 when I find a 3rd gen 44-40 one that is not too expensive. I have a Ruger OMV in .44 mag as a backup. Got a couple of extra barrels and cylinders and saving up for frames for my son, although he will get them all when I am in the ground. I don't shoot fast or competitive, being built for pleasure and not for speed, I just enjoy going around healed and get excited if I hit the targets. So I am not hard on them and can continue to shoot. Nimbles
  15. Going to visit my folks in Green Valley AZ, and they took my wife, young son and I to Tombstone and then to Old Tucson Studio's and I was hooked from there! Came back to FL, checked out any clubs and found the one that I have listed in my signature, although I am not an active member currently. Had a Colt New Frontier and a Winchester 94, the Colt in .44 spcl and the Winchester in both spcl/mag. Volunteered to help out with the scouring and that is when I got my SASS alias, Nimble Fingers, from Jeremiah Longknife. I ordered a Ruger Vaquero in 44mag, got a cheap belt out of Shotgun news, and borrowed a shotgun until my lovely wife bought me a Baikal for Father's Day, and I have been shooting off and on ever since. I now have a much better outfit, look like the Duke when I do shoot, and I have even gotten my son involved but we are both too busy to fully participate. My Mother thinks I haven't grown up, and I tried to get my Dad interested when one of the last times I took him to a shoot in the desert, you guys in AZ are so lucky! Had a great time, he laughed with a bunch of the shooters, and I got "yelled" at for not bringing my irons to shoot! Where else can you go and pretend you are in a Western, walking around healed, unless you are in AZ! Nimbles (dreaming of another vacation with those mountains)
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