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Mack Hacker, #60477

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Everything posted by Mack Hacker, #60477

  1. I was just scammed for $710 last month with all contact done over the SASS Wire. Everyone on the wire is not who they claim to be. Be safe out there. The SASS wire community is not as innocent as it used to be.
  2. I also will not use the Newer universal RCBS for 45’s. I do use it for 38’s, but use the old style for 44SP and 45Colt Mechanical devices frustrate me beyond word, so I keep it as simple as possible
  3. I was just scammed by Brown Leathers who also wanted a tracking number for the payment to a Florida address(Miramar). If it’s the same guy, he has evolved to now wanting payment via PMO. I guess he realized that requesting a PMO would make me think there was a level of protection involved in that method of payment. I’m sure the scammer already knows what I now know. According to their own disclaimer, the USPS inspectors just want you to file a report so they can gather data and analyze trends. It is very unlikely that your case will be investigated by anyone. Perhaps the reported data is used to justify agency funding requests After 20 years, I have made my last purchase on the SASS wire from someone that I don’t know personally.
  4. I’ll take it. PM address to send the gold
  5. Thanks TN Mongo. I missed that on the Dillon Site. Like I said, I know nothing about this device. I picked it up as a part of a very diverse package deal. If it doesn’t sell at this price, it will just go in the “I may need this some day drawer”. Those are the things that I eventually sell a week before I need them.
  6. BTT with lowered price. Now 50% of retail. At $75 + shipping. Please don’t make me go to Ebay
  7. I know nothing about this item except it appears to be clean, complete, function as expected and is set up for 30 cal cases $75 plus shipping.
  8. I will not be attending EOT this year, but I have shot this match 3 or 4 times as a warm up for Winter Range. This is a great warm up with one of the friendliest venues you will ever shoot. Nights in town during that weekend are are really special. Go fully dressed and all the tourists assume that you are part of the street performances. You’ll be swamped with picture requests. When you are asked if you are part of “the show”, just respond with a dead pan “No ma’am, we use real bullets.”
  9. I have three NRA American Rifleman binders. Each contain 12 issues of the magazine. For some reason I have 1973,75 and 76. Have no clue where 1974 went. They have been in storage for 25 years but are in pretty good shape. They are free if you pay shipping cost
  10. I only have the store number and they are closed today

    1. Yusta B.
    2. Mack Hacker, #60477

      Mack Hacker, #60477

      Thanks but Goody beat you to it.


    3. Yusta B.

      Yusta B.

      I saw that - he beats me shooting too !!  :D

  11. Some interest in the Ruger Amt potential trafe interests?
  12. Sounds like your crew has about 46.23% of the 44SP guns used in SASS competition.
  13. This was not really intended to be a legal, ethical, political or religious issue. Yeah, I know it is the SASS wire, so you get what you get Thought I would respond to Blackey since he and Grizzly Dave were the ones interested in addressing the original post. BG states that both "can" have the same number of steps in the reloading process which would be so if the answer to GD's question is "comparable". So, the original question becomes, if all that's being swapped is the labor involved and the number of operations performed are the same, why isn't X=1000? The number of rounds required to shoot a match would seem to be irrelevant.
  14. Has anyone ever worked a reciprocal agreement with another shooter where one loads a given number of rifle/pistol ammo and the other reloads shotgun ammo? This question came over me this morning while cranking out some ammo for Winter Range. The real question is: If shooter A gives X number of brass and all the required components to shooter B and shooter B gives 1000 shotgun hulls and all the associated components to Shooter A; then they reload the hulls/brass and return. What would be the acceptable value of "X"? I just love algebra.
  15. Is Winter Range a "lost brass" match? Just thought I would ask before loading.
  16. Yes, but if any of the original arts are part of the problem, then if returned to original configuration, I will still have a non-functional gun.
  17. If sent back to Ruger, they will not work on it without converting it to a transfer bar system
  18. I don't think a new shopkeeper model would add anything to my collection of Alpha Cats, As a collector, however, I don't want anything in my collection that is not functional.
  19. Recently purchased an alpha(1959) Bearcat with significant timing issues Who would you recommend? Self nominations welcome
  20. Don't have time to read all of this but I did notice one comment that said something like. If you are not going to reload, you might want to reconsider the choice of .45 cal. I would come at that from a different viewpoint and say that if you do not intend to reload, you might want to reconsider that choice. Reloading equipment will pay for itself in one reloading session. Everything after that is just gravy. Starting on a budget without reloading will very quickly turn out to be a bad decision
  21. Certainly no apology necessary. Never considered that you might think I was being serious
  22. These days??????
  23. I have always heard how well the 1878 is made, but when I opened mine up, it appeared that every part was made in a blacksmith shop. It was absolutely crude I may have just been the unlucky one. Wouldn't be the first time
  24. The primary benefit to participation awards,as named in the OP, is that it provides one more way for shooters to associate a face with an alias; especially those thAt were on another possee
  25. Middle Aged Crazy was kind if different
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