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Subdeacon Joe

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Everything posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. Any action or inaction is behavior. Now, whether or not it's ACCEPTABLE behavior is something else....
  2. Feast of the Annunciation. One of the earliest feast days in Christendom. Also one of the earliest icons, dating to the 2nd century as a drawing in the catacombsof Priscilla. This feast is how the date for the Nativity of Christ was established
  3. Came across some interesting photos on FB. And, captioned: "Marshal Tamo, near Bonners Ferry, Idaho - Nez Perce 1905?" What are those firearms?
  4. FIRETRUCKS! Yea.... Turning surplus Military vehicles into Fire Fighting trucks isn't something new. After WW2, a number of American made M3 half-track found their way into civilian service as "all-terrain" pumpers and tankers. ~NC
  5. Would you look at this? In 1918, coal miners unearthed a petrified tree stump in a coal seam, but how in tarnation did it get there? #appalachia #coal #CoalMiningHistory #kentuckyhistory You see, the process of a tree stump being preserved in a coal seam is a pretty interesting phenomenon rooted in science. Here's an overview of how it happens: 1. Formation of Peat: First, things like trees, ferns, and other vegetation, accumulates in swampy or wetland environments which causes the plant matter not to fully decompose due to the low oxygen conditions. 2. Burial and Compression: Over time, layers of sediment, including mud and sand, bury the tree stump and the weight compresses the plant material underneath. 3. Chemical Changes and Coalification: Under the pressure and increased temperature from the overlying sediments, the plant material undergoes significant chemical changes. This process is called "coalification", which gradually converts the plant material into coal. Throughout this process, water and volatile substances are driven off, and the carbon content increases. 4. Preservation of Vegetation Structure: Now, sometimes, the conditions are just right to preserve the structure of the original vegetation within the coal seam. This can include leaves, bark, and even whole tree stumps. The process of petrification, where the organic material is replaced with minerals, can also occur, further preserving these structures. 5. Discovery Finally, when miners dig out coal seams, sometimes they find these preserved pieces of ancient vegetation, providing a direct and tangible link to the Earth's geological and biological history. This preservation offers a window into the past ecosystems and environments, showing us what was present millions of years ago when coal was formed.
  6. I've seen several versions. The most powerful is a hand written letter. Then a typed letter. Next comes original email, copy and paste form email, and then phone call. I don't recall the breakdown of numbers. Something to consider - say it takes 3 minutes of staff time to deal with a letter or phone call, and one of the capons gets 7,500 calls or letters - each one asking for a response - every week. That's 375 man hours every week, or 9 3/8 man-weeks. Then add in the time to respond, even just generating a canned response. Several years ago, well, about 20 years ago, one of the staph (sic) members of then Assemblyman Joe Nation tell me to stop calling to express my displeasure with anti-gun bills, so did State Senator Carol Migden.....those worthies knew what is best for us and didn't want to be bothered with input from the peasants...uh...people. I got a similar response from the office of Babs, "I'm Too Important To Be Called Ma'am" Boxer. The office of the Divine Ms. Di were more polite and sent me the "I guess we must agree to disagree on this" form letter. On one occasion DiFi's stapher (sic) messed up and replied with both the "Thank you for your support" and the "Disagree" forms, and the plan she outlined in the "Thank you" letter was horrifying. Written tests a Harvard Lawyer couldn't pass, and a practical test a Camp Perry champion couldn't pass. Now they just ignore me. I don't get responses of any type.
  7. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4ZIHuAsAE9/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  8. Shows that he learned the word by reading it rather than hearing it.
  9. Someone needs to tell him about the 4th and 5th Amendments.
  10. https://youtube.com/shorts/wPJcgWN_tyY?si=W-s3J11u7tm_TBmr
  11. Shelter in place. police were not amused.
  12. You can bet that if the NY Times requested the information to run a scare piece "OHMYGAWDALLTHESEPEOPLEWWATTOSHOOTYOU!!!!" the police commissioner would turn over all the unredacted information, complete with hat size, in a heartbeat.
  13. It's bitten us in the posterior because we, collectively, sat on them for too long while we watched the opposition actively pursuing its agenda. We allowed them to take control of the language while we chuckled at what we thought of as gibberish, we failed to make the time to go to city council meetings when anti-civil rights proposals were on the agenda, only a handful of us regularly write or email our elected officials. Time for all of us to get off our complassencies and politely, peacefully, and powerfully make our voices heard
  14. https://www.facebook.com/reel/415981491057370?mibextid=0VwfS7&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
  15. The only way it will change is if we write, and write, and write letter, after letter, after letter, and not form letters, not vulgar rants, but firm and well reasoned letters, telling them why we won't be going to see their productions.
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