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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Up here they were known as "Mello ice cream Rolls". And no, I never saw or heard of Ding Dongs (Other than a doorbell!)
  2. As old as that appears and the rust on the outside of the can.......... Even as inexpensive as it is, I think I'd pass.
  3. Only missed #16 I still have and use the Corning Ware!!
  4. And that's the way our Francophone cousins spell RUM. Bilingual labels are mandatory.
  5. Nah! Not fat enough and no orange.
  6. OK, ya got me there! I forgot that most hardware stores are stocking both!
  7. Be truthful now. You found your way into one of these didn't ya?
  8. Never mind, in two or three months it'll be like this:
  9. Whale obviously recognized the divers as Liberals and sent them a message: "Eat **** and Die!"
  10. One day, I'll repost a couple of Kamlooky's comments from CanadianGunNutz.
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