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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. It could be a huge help for a lot of disabled people.
  2. Hope you get straightened out quickly!
  3. It’ll continue regardless of us! Check out the weather scientists that don’t believe we have anything to do with it! How did the earth warm up and freeze ions before man was here? Did the Great Lakes form because of man? Quit listening to the lefty loonies and at least give the other side a listen for God’s sakes!!
  4. You can go on their website anytime you want. No need for their constant emails. Unsubscribe and go visit them at your convenience.
  5. But they weren't. A local gunsmith here tried it and said there was no way!
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/us/chicago-ray-walks-back-trucker-nyc-boycott-says-leave-trump-alone?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-foxnews&utm_content=later-41199864&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkin.bio
  7. I heard a blib on the news that the organizer is changing his mind. Not sure how true it is but they'll be losing a lot of money if they do it plus aren't they under contract? Some may get fired!
  8. Looks like an old fashioned flood to me!
  9. 57 Chevy !!! My dad gave me his when I was 18 . It was 8 yrs old. It was a 4 door 6 cyl automatic blue and white. It wasn’t the coolest looking but I always had a special place in my heart for the Chevy. I almost bought one about 10 yrs ago but changed my mind on the 35 k price tag.
  10. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/elon-musk-says-neuralink-s-first-brain-chip-patient-can-control-computer-mouse-by-thought/ar-BB1izhQq
  11. Almost 50 here today and the next few days! We’re 2 feet short of normal snow. We’ve only had 15” approximately for the whole winter season so far. Keeping my fingers crossed. If this is global warming I love it!!
  12. Is this a new weather term? Pretty bad whatever they call it. Everyone okay out there?? https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/la-storm-watch-flash-flood-warnings-for-beverly-hills-elsewhere-as-latest-atmospheric-river-soaks-region/ar-BB1ixAJN
  13. You mean a president now?? Yea I agree!
  14. My son was playing with Rob Thomas when Santana was featured on his album. My son got to jam with Santana. They were trading riffs. Great experience for him. Carlos was about 70 then. He’s 76 now.
  15. There’s this!! https://www.chewy.com/pooph-pet-odor-stain-eliminator-spray/dp/989990?utm_id=401602796&msclkid=9ede69a7f69d16063ecf0c7495ae38ee&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping_NC_All_SSP&utm_term=4584757336258276&utm_content=All Products
  16. The only time I use my debit card is at the ATM. I never use it for purchases. I use my credit cards and get points and cash back.
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