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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. Just ordered a bottle. The label is worth the cost of the stuff. Should be here before the week is out. Can't wait to try on a steak. I''ll probably still saute white mushrooms, with butter and a small dash of Worcestershire sauce, but if I'm in a hurry....well, you know. Thanks again, Doc.
  2. It ain't pointy wire, just blunt ended rods.
  3. Did you read the part where I said I don't want any manual tools of any kind? I can sharpen a knife (or an axe, chisel, tomahawk, shovel, straight razor, scissors, and almost anything else with an edge or a point) as well as most and a lot better than some. I DON'T WANT TO. I'm old and lazy, so there.
  4. Good point. I'm pretty good with power tools....except saws. Saws, both power tools and manually operated, hate me. I've turned a lot of good lumber into chips, splinters, and sawdust A friend had a sign made for my work area : I don't know what's going on, but I've cut it off four times and it's still too short.
  5. I've been thinking about this. They arrested the girl, took her out of the school from a cafeteria in front of other students to the police station, where she was treated like a criminal and arrested. I has beeen on TV with commentary. Handcuffs for a $2.00 offense? That is criminal. I'm pretty much able to stand up for myself, but if someone mistreats my family they will learn what a vicious and vengeful SOB I can be. I'd find an attorney and demand a public apology from every soul involved including school officials (including the school board), cafeteria staff, city, and police officials and involved employees. I'd yank the chain of any news outfit that didn't get the facts right or cast suspicions on the victim (and victim she is). All of this should be done on prime time on every electronic media and the front page of any media form that didn't get it right. To be fair, the apologies should be in person by the "perps" in the school auditorium, gym, or cafeteria. And they damn well had better sound sincere. If I could, I'd see to it that she would never again pay for any meal on school district property or at off campus school events like proms, student trips, parades and off campus sporting events, etc. The police would pay for meals of some sort, too. Now, before you start siding with and defending the parties involved, let me point out that anyone could have simply picked up a phone and called the police station, a local bank, or a coin and gold shop to check it out rather than blindly pushing themselves and their so-called authority around at the cost of the young lady's embarrassment, confusion, fear, and reputation and ruining her faith in "the system". Too much of this crap goes on without anyone being called to task over it. It needs to stop now! Too much? Tell me how!
  6. Well, I'll be dipped. Thanks. Don't know why I didn't look there. I buy a lot from Amazon
  7. That was why I was asking. It looks good but gets lousy ratings on some sites. Maybe I'll try it. It isn't all that expensive and one of their ads states that I can use it to sharpen axes and chisels, etc.
  8. Like I keep telling you, you gotta quit smoking that stuff.
  9. My favorite Christmas card ever was sent to me by my sister long ago. A man in a Santa suit sitting at a table. His coat is thrown over a chair, his hat and wig are pushed to back of his head, the beard is hanging off off one ear., and his sleeves are pushed up revealing an Army tattoo. He looks very tired, bloodshot eyes, bent over and sagging, with a wrinkled up brow. Hw has a bottle beer in his left fist and a cigarette in his right. Caption is very simple: "Merry Christmas, Dammit." I kept itfor years but somewhere along the way it disappeared.
  10. Anyone heard of mushroom ketchup? Had an aunt who made it and it was great. It's been sixty or more years since I've even heard of it.
  11. And once again I have learned something new. Don't know waht I'll do with it, but thanks anyway.
  12. M 107, 108, 109, 110 self propelled artillery were all modern when I first put on a uniform. Wonderful peices. Does that make me a vintage person? If you answered "yes" then, upyers.
  13. I carried a 1928A1 Tommy gun for awhile. It was better than earlier models, but the best of the litter was the M1A1 Thompson. I carried that one for over nine months in 'Nam and it never failed to work.
  14. Been there. A vacuum cleaner is totally useless to clean it up.
  15. Right. I never saw the value in trophies of any kind......except for one Army medal that I'm very proud of. The rest don't say much but "I was there."
  16. Gad Dad, you been had by a SPAD. Almost as good as an A-10 Warthog. Primitive, but tough, powerful, big, noisy, deadly, capable of carrying massive pay loads, agile, and I'm told that pilots loved them. Great for close ground support I saw two take off from Nha Trang fully loaded, fly a half mile or so north east where one went vertical and HUNG ON THE PROP for about six seconds before rolling over and going after his partner. I only saw the one do that, but it was said that it was a common thing.
  17. What is a great knife sharpener brand. I see tons with all sorts of promises, but no warranty or negative customers comments. Don't need a razor sharpness. I prefer a chef's sharpness Don't want any stones, ceramic sticks, or other such. I already have all of those I can use but none do a really great job. I'd like to keep the price under $100.00 if possible. What say you all? Thanks. 4T
  18. Why can the Navy shoot down drones and I can't? That's a form of elder abuse. (I use that line a lot.)
  19. Take one into a Burger King and try to spend it. They'll call the cops. I had them call the police because I had a two dollar bill and they thought it was a counterfeit. The officer said it was a real bill and they still wouldn't take it, but I got my meal for free.
  20. Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Venison.
  21. Don't give Alpo a job until he learns how to spell JOB!
  22. A-10 is a magnificent machine and does some things that sooper dooper fast fighters just can't
  23. Too fast, too big, too complicated. Need something slower and more maneuverable, small enough to be agile, but big enough to haul a lot of ammo, and as simple as possible. Something that can get right in the middle of a fray and start delivering scatter hell at relatively close range.
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