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Thank you to Rio Salado Cowboys and Colt Laredo - that was fun! Edit - Double fun today, Sep 6th, as well!

Dapper Dave

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My wife and I made the drive up to Rio Salado Sportsman's Club to meet the Rio Salado Cowboys at their monthly match. I was frettin' some as I wasn't quite in getup, as I had discovered one truism in Cowboy Action Shooting that somehow isn't addressed - you can't wear normal hearing protection with cowboy hats. Oops. As it was, the relaxed high heat rules meant the outfits from most folks were...relaxed. Forgive me for forgettting names/alias, as I am new as this, but we started off meeting a nice your man named Apache, ( "Jake"?), who helped direct us to the right spot. Colt Laredo was officiating but took time out to greet us and several people walking on by were very friendly and outgoing. I have a very nice chat with this wonderful lady, who was a true wealth of knowledge. Everyone was quite welcoming and open, and my many questions were answered rather quickly. I do have to admit, I had never heard of a Nevada Sweep. Now I have. :D I am sorry we left so early - my wife politely reminded me that she had not yet eaten, and she was feeling a wee bit faint from the heat. If I had ignored that, the next reminder would NOT have been so polite, and I have enough dents in my head as it is...

I look forward to dropping by at another match sometime! Again, thanks for having me!

Edit - see last post, dated 9/6!

SASS Match 8 3 24 1.jpg

SASS Match 8 3 24 2.jpg

SASS Match 8 3 24 3.jpg

SASS Match 8 3 24 4.jpg

Edited by Dapper Dave
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I forgot to note one other thing that I found interesting - the volunteerism. As it was explained to me, there are members who pick up brass, do spotting, time, and supervise both the loading and unloading tables, and it seemed people just volunteered to help out where needed. That is also a breath of fresh air. 

I truly enjoyed the lesson on the levels of competency;

Unconsciously incompetent

Consciously Incompetent


Unconsciously Competent. 

On the level I think I am somewhere between 1 and 2. :D Well, depending on who you ask - if you ask my wife, I am probably between 0 and -99! Just kidding - my wife really liked chatting with some of the wonderful members there as well. Hope people like the photos. 

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You met a good group of shooters. 
Top picture is Claudia Feather, a good friend and she’s been in SASS for a long while. 


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Posted (edited)

I didn't bring any guns - I just went to watch. 

However, next time I can, I will get my new shooter orientation, and pay my dues, then Big Thunder will speak.


Sorry, always was a little melodramatic...


With conversion 3.jpg

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9 hours ago, Hells Comin said:

There all nuts! 115° today!

Yep... always sayin', "...but, it's a dry heat!"  Like that somehow makes it seem cooler! When all it means is that you can't tell you're sweatin' cause it dries you out!

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It was great meeting you Dave. 


Yes, that is Claudia Feather, Founder of our club.

She is a former SASS World Champion and the heart and soul or our Club.


When your ready to dive in, contact me and I can get you going with a new shooter orientation. We provide everything you need.

I like to schedule those for the Friday afternoon before our monthly match right after setup.

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Posted (edited)

I will make that time, sir. Looking forward to it! I'll have to pay my dues, first, of course, get a SASS number. 🤠


Edit to add, the funny thing about meeting Claudia is I saw her resting there on her cart, and I just had to ask, "Ma'am, can I take your picture?" The camera doesn't do her justice. :)

Edited by Dapper Dave
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Hey Dave, it's me Apache Dan! You can shoot matches here without a SASS membership, so no pressure to get that taken care of first! It was awesome meeting you and your wife. Hope to see you out there in the future.


Fine pistol you got there too!

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Well, everything is on hold until we get my car fixed, but it's only fair to do it the right way. :) Thanks for your help getting us to the right spot, much appreciated. 

But I do need to get in touch with Colt and get that new shooter orientation done, at least. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

And thank you again! That was kind of eye opening about many things, and I enjoyed it immensely, doing my new shooter orientation. Thanks again to Colt Laredo, Cactus,. Apache, and a few others out there. I have a much better idea about what is needed, what works, and how things work.  I will definitely be back up for that next match, indeed!

Oh, and the plumber had finished by the time we got home too, for a lower price than expected, so win/win kind of day...now if I could only get the place to stop smelling like an open sewer. 

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  • Dapper Dave changed the title to Thank you to Rio Salado Cowboys and Colt Laredo - that was fun! Edit - Double fun today, Sep 6th, as well!

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