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huh n, not something i ever thought of , interesting , 


i only got info and damn little of it about the superfortess - dad said very little , - based on where they would end up im sure they didnt want to think about it nor repeat their thoughts after the war , i do know from his letters that if you could go down close to an occupied island you had a chance , thankfully he nebver had to experience that in spite of getting shot up a couple times , im not one that likes flying , i hate it , 

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All well and good. But if the bird started to spin, a lot of the crew could get pinned in by centrifugal force! Same was true of the BUFF (B-52).  The BUFF's that had more crew in the belly than there were downward ejection seats had to try to crawl to the holes left by the seats and dive out. According to some reports a number of people didn't get out. :(  

Bless them all! The long and the short and the tall! :FlagAm:

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I'm guessing that when the wings comes off and it's a ball of fire, it's a mad scramble to find a hole to get out of.  I'll help anybody I can on my way out but I'm not checking numbers.  

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