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Interesting idea.

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They have apparently left a step or two out in the pictures, because I have no idea in the world how this would work.


But I'm glad it's working for Julie.

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Because standing there for 20 minutes watching the water trough fill up is a PITA, you put the band around your arm when you turn the hydrant on.

This way you can be doing other chores while the trough is filling yet still be reminded that the water is on. 

 There isn’t a farm kid alive that hasn’t forgot they left the water running causing the trough to overflow. 

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After reading it over 3 or 4 times, I decided it was what Dave just said. You turn the water on, you take the band off the faucet and put it on your arm.


But when I first read it - when I turn on the hose it comes off the hydrant and onto my arm - it read to me like something involved with turning on the hydrant caused the band to slide off the faucet onto her arm. It made no sense.


If she had said - when I turn on the hose I take the band off the hydrant and put it on my arm - well that would have made perfect sense. She did it. But the way it read to me, something about turning on the faucet did it.



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4 hours ago, Alpo said:

They have apparently left a step or two out in the pictures, because I have no idea in the world how this would work.


But I'm glad it's working for Julie.

Is she blond????


Texas Lizard


Heading to shelter

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2 hours ago, Alpo said:

After reading it over 3 or 4 times, I decided it was what Dave just said. You turn the water on, you take the band off the faucet and put it on your arm.


But when I first read it - when I turn on the hose it comes off the hydrant and onto my arm - it read to me like something involved with turning on the hydrant caused the band to slide off the faucet onto her arm. It made no sense.


If she had said - when I turn on the hose I take the band off the hydrant and put it on my arm - well that would have made perfect sense. She did it. But the way it read to me, something about turning on the faucet did it.



It’s called reading between the lines, or in this case, photos.

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6 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:

 There isn’t a farm kid alive that hasn’t forgot they left the water running causing the trough to overflow. 

Not just the kids!:)

There’s some of us so called adults that do it from time to time. 
Of course a side benefit is I have taught my horses to do a decent backstroke! :D


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Gateway Kid

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