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Weird Fair Balls

Subdeacon Joe

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Way back when I was in Little League, the coach said always run to first. If you hit the ball run to first. If they catch it in the air run to first. If the ball gets thrown there first and the basement steps on the bag, run to first. If it goes foul run to first. Don't trot. Don't jog. RUN to first.


Maybe if his coach had told him that, that batter that kind of stood there because the ball was going foul, and then it rolled fair and the catcher picked it up and it ran over and tagged him. Wouldn't have happened if he'd run to first.

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I can honestly say of all the baseball games I’ve played and watched I’ve never seen that! Amazing !

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10 hours ago, Alpo said:

Way back when I was in Little League, the coach said always run to first. If you hit the ball run to first. If they catch it in the air run to first. If the ball gets thrown there first and the basement steps on the bag, run to first. If it goes foul run to first. Don't trot. Don't jog. RUN to first.


Maybe if his coach had told him that, that batter that kind of stood there because the ball was going foul, and then it rolled fair and the catcher picked it up and it ran over and tagged him. Wouldn't have happened if he'd run to first.


              ...... you played Little League in the basement ?  :huh:

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Fun topic!  ^_^


But when I saw the title I honestly expected the thread to be about odd confections sold at county fairs!


Oh man, have they come up with some strange ones....  Deep-Fried Jello... Krispy Kreme Burgers... Deep-Fried Pickles... whatever.


Personally, I gave up on fairs long ago - and just saw a post yesterday about The Big Fresno Fair featuring foot-long corn dogs for a mere $fifteen bucks.  :huh:

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