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Did Landrun send out a RSVP??

Faygo Kid, SASS # 26408

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Yes I got one for the opening ceremonies and HOF induction on Wednesday night at the museum 

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I got it but it keeps telling me "SASS number required" even though it is entered in the top box and my alias is in the second box. Did anyone else have this problem?



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I've tried several different ways. Still no luck. Continues to say SASS number required.

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18 minutes ago, Sixgun Seamus said:

I've tried several different ways. Still no luck. Continues to say SASS number required.

Same here. I emailed Melody and she entered mine for me. They have a problem with the process and I let Okie know.



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53 minutes ago, Jim Brown said:

As long as 94002 is your sass number. I rsvp for you and it took it.


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FWIW, just input your SASS number and press the return key on your keyboard. It will automatically show your alias. Then press the submit button. The error message comes up when you manually enter your alias and press the submit key. 


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