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.280 Remington...?

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So my brother-in-law's favorite hunting rifle is a Browning (X-Bolt?) chambered in .280 Remington, aka the .7mm-06 Remington and the .7mm Express Remington.   Anyway, living in california, he is naturally fed up with the state's ammo nonsense - restrictions and background checks, availability, illegal to order online or import from out-of-state,  restrictions for lead-free hunting and so on.  


Well, that said, he's now thinking about jumping into reloading at the tender age of 72.  And, as a long-time reloader myself, I reckon I'm poised to introduce him to this aspect of shooting.  If I look reeeeal hard, I just might be able to find an extra press around the scatter (or two or three); and the other tools shouldn't be much of a challenge.  But, to borrow from Butterfly McQueen, "I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' two-eighties...."


So!  Might there be any .280 shooters here who might share some favorite loads...?   :)


All load data contributions graciously accepted, especially any for COPPER (or other non-lead) boolits.    :rolleyes:





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I’m gonna be the naysayer and suggest if he can get/buy a case of 200 rounds, legally of course not like someone forgets it’s in the back  coming across the border to just do it.


Assuming he’s not bench rest shooting and he maybe re zeros before a hunting trip that a box a year is probably all he is shooting.

Of course if it’s about the bonding and fun go for it :)  I have some unused Redding master/comp series 280AI dies that….you guessed it….have never been used.


have fun!



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51 minutes ago, JD Lud said:

I’m gonna be the naysayer and suggest if he can get/buy a case of 200 rounds, legally of course not like someone forgets it’s in the back  coming across the border to just do it.


Assuming he’s not bench rest shooting and he maybe re zeros before a hunting trip that a box a year is probably all he is shooting.

Of course if it’s about the bonding and fun go for it :)  I have some unused Redding master/comp series 280AI dies that….you guessed it….have never been used.


have fun!




Wellll...  it will be fun, but back to the "availability" thing.  It seems that it's not readily available - certainly not most places in california, at least not at Bass Pro in Manteca... and they stopped to check - just check, mind you! - Cabela's and Scheels in Nevada... nada.  They'll also check stores in Idaho; but again, 'tain't commonly available.  And we ain't allowed to order without going through an FFL, having another background check, and either a "Real ID" or valid passport.


Nice dies ya got there for that Ackley Improved, by the way!  :rolleyes:  

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12 minutes ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:


Wellll...  it will be fun, but back to the "availability" thing.  It seems that it's not readily available - certainly not most places in california, at least not at Bass Pro in Manteca... and they stopped to check - just check, mind you! - Cabela's and Scheels in Nevada... nada.  They'll also check stores in Idaho; but again, 'tain't commonly available.  And we ain't allowed to order without going through an FFL, having another background check, and either a "Real ID" or valid passport.


Nice dies ya got there for that Ackley Improved, by the way!  :rolleyes:  

How much more will you tolerate before bailing and moving over here?

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6 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

How much more will you tolerate before bailing and moving over here?


Wellll... interesting you'd ask.


Sister and BIL's son transferred to Idaho a few months ago; he and his wife just bought a house north of Boise.  Sister and BIL just hauled a load of cargo to 'em, and are having an "extended visit."  Somehow I suspect they may be looking at homes; separation from their four li'l grandaughters just ain't gonna cut it.  


My son is my only close relative, and he's well established; just bought a house in Visalia.  Kinda holds me here. 




I've already made it clear to the relations headed out that I fully expect hunting and fishing invitations!  :rolleyes:



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We seriously considered moving to Meridian before we moved here.  My parents had a lot of friends in the greater Boise area from when dad was a lumberjack in tha vicinity. We visited a lot of them when I was a kid and I remembered all the tress (Boise) and hundreds of squirrels there.  We decided it was too metropolitan for us, but it came close.


So did Logan, Utah, my childhood home (terrible winters there killed that one), Saint George area of Utah, (didn't sit well with us, just felt wrong), and Yakima, Washington, actually Toppenish, another childhood home (with lousy state politics).


That's why they make so many flavors of ice cream: everyone has their own tastes.


I found my heaven in centra Arizona and all of you have to find your own.

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Not loaded any solid coppers had real good luck with RL19 and 160grn accubond. From what I understand copper at equal weight is longer than traditional lead core. With that Data will not be same. I recommend checking with powder and bullet manufacturers of choice for recommended loads as well as a current manual. Still may find variation in start to max loads. Overall 280s love speed so mine are just short max.

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