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When does the pistol string end?

Creeker, SASS #43022

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Yes, well that's the way I understand it to be, it has to go back in the holster unless otherwise directed, and in most cases I've come across you only have to say " make safe" . The directions do not have to specifically say restatge on table or prop etc.Make safe can also mean you return it to the holster, .....or place it down on a proposal with barrel down range.

Is that correct?

And as you say Griff, split pistols the string is 5 and pistol, pistol its 10.


In writing the stage you cannot leave out a direction if you want the shooter or want to give him the option of leaving it unholstered somewhere. No directive then it goes back to leather or you get the penalty.

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Yes, well that's the way I understand it to be, it has to go back in the holster unless otherwise directed, and in most cases I've come across you only have to say " make safe" . The directions do not have to specifically say restatge on table or prop etc.Make safe can also mean you return it to the holster, .....or place it down on a proposal with barrel down range.

Is that correct?

And as you say Griff, split pistols the string is 5 and pistol, pistol its 10.


In writing the stage you cannot leave out a direction if you want the shooter or want to give him the option of leaving it unholstered somewhere. No directive then it goes back to leather or you get the penalty.?

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So Boggus, what you're saying is that we can leave a pistol anywhere if not in the holster, as long as it's deemed safe?

Nope! As Griff said. The Stage Conventions say they must be reholstered after the shooting string, except for gunfighter exceptions. And unless the stage descriptions says otherwise, reholstered is what is considered safe.

My whole point is that stage descriptions shouldn't have to repeat the Stage Conventions and the handbooks on every stage. Shooter knows shotguns are staged open and empty. Shooter knows(should know) hands are by your sides if no starting position given.

Besides, where did I say anything about just leaving it anywhere?

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Based on the original post, I figured the stage was probably written something like this...


Draw first pistol and engage target

Make pistol safe

Use shotgun to engage target twice

Make Shotgun safe

Use rifle to engage target

Make Rifle safe

Use Shotgun to engage target twice

Make Shotgun safe

Draw second pistol and engage target.



Seems pretty straightforward to me. Don't see what all the fuss is about.

H.K., gonna tease you a bit here. There is a problem with this stage descriptions. Shooter was not told what to do with second pistol. Now, if said shooter really needed to be told what to do with the first three guns, they're standing there with a gun in their hand not having a clue what to do with it. However, had they ever read the Stage Conventions they would know and you wouldn't have to tell them the first four times....

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In writing the stage you cannot leave out a direction if you want the shooter or want to give him the option of leaving it unholstered somewhere. No directive then it goes back to leather or you get the penalty.?


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Shooter was not told what to do with second pistol. Now, if said shooter really needed to be told what to do with the first three guns, they're standing there with a gun in their hand not having a clue what to do with it. However, had they ever read the Stage Conventions they would know and you wouldn't have to tell them the first four times....

Ta Daaaa!! :)

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RO1 p 18 item 6.


Revolvers are returned to leather (re-holstered) with hammer down on a spent case or empty chamber at the conclusion of the shooting string, unless the stage description specifically directs otherwise; e.g., ―move to next position and set gun on table or prop.‖ A shooting string is defined as shots from one type of firearm prior to the next type of firearm engaged. (Gunfighters may choose to shoot five rounds, safely stage their loaded revolvers, hammer down on a spent cartridge, shoot another firearm, retrieve the revolvers, and finish the ―"shooting string" before reholstering.)


The string ends when you transition to the next firearm. You may go back to correct errors prior to firing the next firearm.


Penalty RO1 p 27 under 10 second penalties, Prodecural Penalties

Not returning revolvers to leather unless otherwise specified


So unless the stage instructions allow a non gunfighter to stage the first pistol, the shooter earns a procedural.

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