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Knees will no longer take the strain of hauling out a deer, never mind a moose recovery.

Even walking the trails for some upland birds is beyond me this year.

Pards just make me sit and spot or score keep at our matches now. Can't even stand too long to RO.

BUT, I do make it to the loading table, then sit waiting my turn to shoot before I hobble back to the unload table.

That's me seated. Northern Ranger, with his arms folded and Johnny CheaterĀ 


Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474
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Thanks Jabez.

We're not doing too bad.

Church yesterday, then picked up some flowers in Sherron's favourite shade, fuchsia, and visited her and my Mother and Dad.

It was the 59th anniversary of our first date.Ā 

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My Wife picked me up a little over 39 years ago...:DĀ :D


It's been quite a ride ....


My message this Sunday was an over view of the Book of Isaiah then a closer look at Isaiah 43: 1-7Ā 

Did you know that Isaiah, means " God Saves" ?



Jabez CowboyĀ 


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Some cats do that to Ian and I as well, although there are some that don't. Cat dander I guess.

CGN cat is GRUMPY right now due to the actions of our PM.

I wonder if there is any connection between his censorship legislation and his handgun ban?Ā 


CGN Coffe cup cat P1010276_3.jpg


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This order with-out approval of a fully seated house is Not legal...

But that doesn't seem to stop the Lying Twit...


Jabez CowboyĀ 

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Just grumpy today!

Ellie tested positive last Saturday for Wuhu Flu, I tested positive yesterday. Puts a burr in the ars of getting ready for winter.Ā :angry:

Paxlovid tastes awful.

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The face of gun control in Canada and leader of our country

It shouldĀ make all my lefty friends proud, but somehow, it gets censored.Ā 

Can't figure out why?


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On 10/24/2022 at 3:48 PM, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

Sadly he is beyond Stupid...


Jabez Cowboy

With a significant % of Arrogance and the longing to become a dictator.


Now I'm getting REALLY GRUMPY!

Facebook Oct 26 2022 Trudeau Censorship C11 .jpg

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And just Now he is getting concerned, that there might be Citizens that might not like him and his cronies...


Jabez Cowboy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Morning Grumps:


Let's send a Special Prayer up, for the loved one of and that have served and all that are serving now...




Jabez Cowboy

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My Father, 1935, Number 19 City of Hamilton Bomber Squadron. Auxiliary.

He joined the permanent RCAF the next year, after deciding there would be a war and he wanted to be trained to contribute as best he could.

He served continuously until 1966, then went on to a career managing a satellite imaging program for our Federal government.


Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474
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On 11/14/2022 at 10:53 PM, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

Try and Be Grumpy Now !!!


Jabez Cowboy


My knees are killing me; the Rogers Cell phone people are driving me nuts when I try to cancel my late wife's cell phone; I tried to get my blood test done for an appointment next week about my kidneys and couldn't get in the door of the test lab due to the crowd; the bank had a line-up outside the door; I'm having trouble getting an appointment for my Covid booster AND my flu shot; the Health Unit here is recommending we start masking up again; the snow is starting to fall; the local Hydro Electric CEO has admitted they expect more power outages due to weather anomalies and my contractor installing my NG Generator hasn't completed the installation of the Generac!..


Now get off my snow-covered lawn.

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Been busy with getting some stuff done in anticipation of winter and knocking out the stuff that us old farts have to contend with to survive.


Iā€™ve just been hitting the high notes here in the Saloon.


Got my Medicare crap handled and got the gutters on the house cleaned out, (thanks to Hatfield and my older grandson) on Monday, Ā and made my appointment with the foot doctor, yesterday.


Doc was really happy with the progress on my foot! Three months without any open places or drainage. All good skin growth and healthy tissue.


Ā Iā€™m learning to walk again and riding my stationary bike. I am able to negotiate the stairs with comparable ease and I find myself making short trips around the house without the cane these days!


Still having balance issues because of the paralysis in that foot and some occasional vertigo from having been off my feet for so long, but I think that is slowly improving as well.


Ā I STILL havenā€™t been able to spend much time in the shop and ainā€™t been Cowboy shooting in a coonā€™s age, so there!! Ā I got some stuff toĀ GRUMPĀ about!!!!!

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Well Blackwater, just get yourself out and do it with some of your Pards to help you.

I'm crippled up with bad knees but the three posses I shoot with are very accommodating for this old boy and make me sit between the stages I shoot.

Oh, they'll let me spot, score keep, runt the Load/Unload tables, all while sitting, which really helps.Ā Ā 

That's me on my three leg walking aid and stool.

I'm sometimes a Pvt. of the 27th Georgia, where a distant ancestor with the same name served in the Civil War.

I had a lot of relations who wore blue and by chance I found a relation, with the same name, who wore Grey.Ā 


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Traded for an 1872 open top replica on Friday before Thanksgiving week. Ā It was shipped ā€œNext Day Airā€ with UPS. It didnā€™t get picked up until first of the week and it FINALLY reached my FFL on Saturday!!


I wish shipping companies would actually do what they say!! Ā We pay good money for services required by the gooberment. Ā We donā€™t get those services and the ones who take our money get off Scott Free AND get to keep our money!!



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Navy or Army Grip... Caliber???

Barrel lenght?

My main match Revolvers are 7 1/2 , .44 Special with Navy grips...

Named "Buck" an "Boom"


Jabez Cowboy


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1 hour ago, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

Navy or Army Grip... Caliber???

Barrel lenght?

My main match Revolvers are 7 1/2 , .44 Special with Navy grips...

Named "Buck" an "Boom"


Jabez Cowboy


.45 Colt. 7 1/2ā€ barrel, Army grip, Blue. Ā I pick it up tomorrow morning.

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I sold off my pair of matched back-up, Open Top 1871's June 28.

The new owner and I are still waiting for authorization from the Canadian Firearms Centre (November 28/22) to allow him to take possession.

Sad to see them go, but he's younger than I am and maybe they won't get crunched when HE goes, if the law gets changed.

US PARDS FYI: New legislation in Canada forbids the LEGAL transfer of ALL handgun ownership even at the death of the LEGALLY Authorized owner* and requires they be turned in for destruction.


*Ā Gang bangers, thugs, drug dealers, murderers and thieves are exempt from this new legislation.


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They are also exempt from Daily monitoring like the legal Gunowners undergo....


Makes perfect sense to the Liberal mindless Crowd...


Jabez Cowboy

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Yep, True Fact.

Canadian LEGAL firearm owners, whether it be shotguns, rifles or handguns MUST have a Possession and Acquisition Permit (PAL) to buy, possess or own a long gun AND ammunition.

If you own a handgun(s) you must have a Restricted Possession and Acquisition Permit (RPAL)

LEGAL holders of those permits are checked EVERY DAY on the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) site by police to ensure they have committed no offences the previous 24 hours.

So LEGAL Canadian firearms owners have been checked by police services EVERY DAY!

Now, what do we know about any other Canadians without a permit?

As always, with the Liberal Canadian (mis) government, Drug Dealers, Gang-bangers, thugs and thieves are exempt from this.

Kinda makes a sceptic wonder: Just who or what constituency is the current party in power serving?

14 hours ago, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

They are also exempt from Daily monitoring like the legal Gunowners undergo....


Makes perfect sense to the Liberal mindless Crowd...


Jabez Cowboy


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