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Wild Bunch pistol from Turnbull

Texas Jim Henry, SASS #20616

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I have a stock parkerized 1911 that I've shot Wild Bunch matches with. Even loaded some 45 ACPs with the Sacred Incense for a really exciting match one time.


I really like Turnbull's work, but this is not an appropriate use of his skills in my opinion. I would not be buying one. But then, I'm sure he'll sell a few, and I'd be happy for both the buyer and seller who found something that made them both happy.

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Turnbull's new WB 1911 is a outstanding Custom Made Pistol. As stated in a previous post it has your SASS # as the serial # and Wild Bunch is engraved on the slide. As compared to a Custom Made 1911 from Les Baer or Wilson Custom the price is right in line. I had the change to inspect Turnbull's 1911 last month. Did not have time to shoot it but I will certainlly order One. The Slide fit to the receiver was tight and fitted correctly. It comes with a Match Barrel and the lockup on the lugs and hood were perfect. Just what one would expect from a Match Quality 1911. I am sure some folks will not buy this quality of 1911 based on Turnbulls price. But if you are a shooter that appreciates quality and performance and it is legal for WB Traditional or Modern than his 1911 would fit in collection.



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Guest fastarget

Good review coming from GC,


It would be more interesting if it was known where the parts are coming from? are they tool steel parts or MIM, are the guns hand fitted and by whom, are the barrels Kart, Wilson or? It is the same price as a Baer and Brown, but will it perform like one?


There would be more interested buyers, especially SASS shooters that know their guns, if more specifics were to be known, at least it would be for me, only my .02 :)

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If ya got the money....why not?

Life is short. ;)

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