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Triple Crown Tour

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I went ahead an sent off the apps to go on the tour. I can't help but think it should be the Crown Royal Tour .

Now all I have to do is figure out haow I am going to pull it off .


I have to finish up the WB rig I am working on , I did the holster but it looks a little thin .

Then I has to get after reloading to have ammo to shoot


This is going to be a hoot

See ya down the trail


Chickasaw Bill


Wish I could, while I could most likely get the time off to do it, no way I can come up with the money to pay for it. I'm just going to have to settle for CaC.




They got a real deal going on for it . Go to the Bar3 web site an check it out .



Chicks.. have fun,.. that is the only part that matters... K??? Hugs Deja.


It would be a lot more fun if you were there .



Chicks.. in my little pea brain I have a lot more fun with me too.. lol... course then I have to live with me.. lol... You will have fun... your a nice guy.. people like ya... Go for it... You will have a ton of fun if you simply are just you.. K???? When you and I talked you were funny.. just be you..... people like ya..

CB, the match fees is the least of it, it's the travel and lodging I can't afford.

Ah.. Grizzes .. I wish things would turn around for ya... I really do.. hugs.. Deja.

Wish I could, while I could most likely get the time off to do it, no way I can come up with the money to pay for it. I'm just going to have to settle for CaC.




Well if you have to "settle" for a match then CaC is a good one to settle for...


It does give you something to look forward to...



The plan I have come up with is to tent camp & take a big cooler for eats . It will not be much more than staying home for me except fuel and ammo. If it starts to rain I'll put stuff in the tent and sleep in the trk , It has to be better than a M113 or a M577 in the winter in Germany .

Be kinda like the old days .



Already sent in entrys for the Open and CAC.

Still thinking on the Classic.

If I do go to the MWC. Will be like you. Tenting it.

Throw everthing I can in the little Honda Fit and do it on the cheap side.

The first year. There was plenty of food vendors for lunch.

They had food at the meet and greet and the Sat night shin dig.

Can just run into town in the mourning.

There is shower houses and restrooms on site.


Will bring camper for the Open as wife is coming with me for that.


The MWC and the Open is about a 12 hour drive.

She only want to do that one time.


DANG. I did not know about the package deal to sign up for all 3. :)

Have already sent in for the other two. I sure missed out on a deal. ;)


The plan I have come up with is to tent camp & take a big cooler for eats . It will not be much more than staying home for me except fuel and ammo. If it starts to rain I'll put stuff in the tent and sleep in the trk , It has to be better than a M113 or a M577 in the winter in Germany .

Be kinda like the old days .



You slept in an M113?


Whenever I pulled into the battalion area, my tent had been set up, the stove was going, my bed was made and usually I had a pot of coffee on the stove. As soon as I was settled an orderly would come by and ask if everything was all right. Of course, I was an Artillery officer and that may have had something to do with it.



I was a grunt , Ya now Infinatry , 11 Bullet stopper . To sleep in one ya do the " lateral lean " if you are the driver . Now if the TC ya sleep doing the "M2 slump" laid out over the 50 . Not real comfortable but sure beats sleeping in the snow .

Oh for the "good old days " when ya were young an dumb . Still got the dumb part covered .



Anvil Al, I'll bet it you contacted Honey she'd make the package deal work for ya.


Complicated Lady - I agree, I am already looking forward to Comin at Cha. I just wish it was closer, I'm not looking forward to the 15 hour drive to get there.


CB - I just mapped it out, about 15 hours to get to Sparta. Even in my econo box Honda Civic, that adds up quick. Not to mention when I sleep on the ground any more it takes me a full day to be able to walk again LOL. I hope you have fun though, each of the matches should be a great time.


Can't make it to the Midwest Classic.

As much as we would love to make all three, I just can't take the time off from work.


There is a big shoot in Cleburne that weekend also so we will be shooting there instead.



I am not sure how much it is going to take out of me to sleep on the ground , But I am going to go and have as much fun as the law will allow .

If they ain't looking I am going to try to have even more fun . Wish you all could be there , But where ever you are I hope you have as much fun as I plan on having . Maybe some of the better shooters will show me how to get better than I am . It is always amazing to watch T-Bone , Nuttin , and all the truly good shooter ply the trade .

I hope to meet all of you that come to the shoots .




I am not sure how much it is going to take out of me to sleep on the ground , But I am going to go and have as much fun as the law will allow .

If they ain't looking I am going to try to have even more fun . Wish you all could be there , But where ever you are I hope you have as much fun as I plan on having . Maybe some of the better shooters will show me how to get better than I am . It is always amazing to watch T-Bone , Nuttin , and all the truly good shooter ply the trade .

I hope to meet all of you that come to the shoots .





When we use to tent camp. We always just took an air mattress.

Pump runs off of the car lighter.

Not bad at all.


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