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Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

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Everything posted by Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

  1. My maternal Grandmother was married at 14 and had 11 living children and two that died in infancy. She and my Grandfather lived on a farm. What a wonderful couple. Great people.
  2. I believe it is lady GA GA. I question that she is a lady or not. I do not know what GA GA means or if that is really some sort of name but then again, who would name their daughter GA GA? OK, Don't answer that. I won't be watching it anyway.
  3. Thanks for the update, Captain. As little as I am able to get out to shoot, I think I will just buy the limited number of bullets that I need. I have enough "hobbies". One thing I never learned is whether polycoated bullets are SASS legal. I have never shot a match with them, but only wondered about it. They seem to leave the barrel much cleaner than lubed bullets.
  4. Well, I am going with the NFC team. I really have little interest other than to see some football. I enjoy the nuances of the game, but I am not certain I can take the blather from the play by play gang. Being an armchair coach, I sometimes question the calls from the sidelines. Really! Just ask my wife. One thing that does bother me on the field, is the missed tackles by guys that try to stop a 200+ pound runner, with an arm tackle. It just doesn't work unless you get aholt of their feet. And then there are the one hand catches that are dropped. I could go on, but I think I made my point, and if not, it didn't matter anyway. I was impressed by Atlanta yesterday. Ryan is for real.
  5. Wow. Don't send that stuff this way, Allie Mo. ED: I would post the Mt. St. Helens webcam shot, but it is almost all white with snow and fog. Last time I looked the dome was still building. Apparently, if you see it at night you can see the glow of the lava beneath the dome. Scary stuff for the PNW.
  6. This morning I tried to look up my supplier and his web site is down. Now I am wondering if something went astray and he is no longer in the bizness. I sure hope not. Anybody had any adverse news about poly coated lead bullets in hand guns?
  7. I am happy that you like them. The Super Bowl will have a lot of them.
  8. And lastly, the Steelers are gone. Going to be a packed sofa watching the Patriots and Falcons play in the super bowl.
  9. Looking like the Packers are gone. Ryan packed them up and sent them on their way.
  10. My virtual hands prefer the arched or curved virtual 1911 main spring covering.
  11. U.S. RANGERS attack Anzio, Italy on this date in 1944.
  12. Utah Bob's ski resort! Deep powder and lots of it. Book Now!
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