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Rip Snorter

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  1. Just wait for the T Scouts, no I guess you need not wait.
  2. I can remember going out on snowy mornings, week end or when school was cancelled, grade school and Jr. HS, with a shovel and coming home with what was a lot of money at least to me in those days! When I lived as an adult in suburbs it was very rare for kids to want to do that work.
  3. If you search Road Atlas, you'll find them. Rand McNally ones are very good. Have a U.S, and Montana.
  4. Mine not as bad as you describe, but on and off for decades - no medical test of many has found the cause. When it is bad, sleep sitting up in your favorite chair -. otherwise two pillows. When is is mild, shake your head briskly on arising. Some say seasickness pills help. You can learn to live with it. In my case, it comes and goes. Stress, rare, may be involved.
  5. Who gets voted in to office and how? Who gets prosecuted and imprisoned for refusing to delete records that must be preserved by law? I visited many times, never again until things change.
  6. It is important to me to live in a free state. Though the MT Supreme Court is working on it, generally, so far, so good.
  7. We had our own group that used an indoor range and shot our own SASS / CAS matches at off hours. We had unique events and with planning were able to have fun and still remain within range rules. It is in the interest of the range to fill all of their positions in down time. The trick is to talk with them and make a deal. Unfortunately, though living in the country far outweighs it, I do miss it.
  8. You might want to look into Pods - I used one clearing my folks stuff when they downsized. later when Dad passed, and again when we moved. Useful.
  9. Above freezing since I got up - waiting for things to soften up a bit then make a run down the driveway with UTV & plow. It was glassy this morning. If nothing else the cleated tires break up the soft ice for a bit of traction. I have quite a long drive as well. Some years ago we had a lot of wind and snow - 8 hours with the loader on the tractor to get through drifts to the road.
  10. You need a plow and / or a snowblower! I shoveled snow everywhere I lived, till I got a snowblower. Here I still have a little shoveling, but the plow is the greatest. Last summer I bought a riding mower - should have done that years ago! Same deal.
  11. Have a set of these, very comfortable and good looking. Will be the next set I buy when I need more. Considerably smaller size!
  12. Not a favorite source, but...https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/enormous-grasshopper-montana/
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