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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. I would love to take that car for a spin.
  2. I get a kick out of all of you getting uptight about pronunciations of towns you are familiar with. I learned Phonics in English classes, not mispronounced local dialects or trends due to someone’s desires that I somehow telepathically know these silly names because I stand on the earth in these locales. Years ago I lived in Lancaster (lan-caster) PA. The locals call it Lank-ester spoken quickly. I derived so much joy in pronouncing it phonetically just to watch them get agitated.
  3. No, they should be put into the same conditions their victims had and left there.
  4. Yep, water filter’s probably clogged. AND if you buy a new one from Lowes or Home Depot open the box before you leave the store to make a new filter is inside. Scum buy new filters then put their old filter in the box. They return it and get their money back.
  5. I liked how Hodgdon Universal worked in .45 ACP.
  6. One of my wife’s relatives left his dog in his crew cab pickup with ALL the windows Fully Open and some whack job lady called the cops on him. The dog had cold water and it wasn’t a hot day. 67 degrees F. This lady went ballistic on him. Some nasty words were exchanged and he left. Some people are absolute imbeciles in regards to this issue. As @John Barleycorn, SASS #76982said, if I see a kid or a dog or anyone in danger, I will bust a window.
  7. I’m rich. I have 2.5 pounds of Unique. I plan to use it up on .45 Colt rounds. I will use other powders for my other rounds.
  8. I served on the USS Virginia CGN-38. In the Virginia class of League Destroyers - designation changed to “Cruiser” while Virginia was being built. There were 4 Virginia class cruisers: Virginia CGN - 38 Texas CGN - 39 Mississippi CGN - 40 Arkansas CGN - 41 Wikipedia calls them Destroyer Leaders. That is incorrect. League Destroyers was the correct term. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia-class_cruiser President Jimmy Carter changed the designations of a few ships when it was found that the USSR had more Cruisers than the U.S. did. Personally, I thought the designation of League Destroyer was pretty freakin’ cool. USS Virginia DLGN - 38 https://www.navysite.de/cg/cgn38.htm
  9. Swallows like to help them migrate. Especially the African Swallow. I saw this on a medieval documentary.
  10. Wait! We are trying to outline the positives here. No need to scare people off. For OLG
  11. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s reality. Our country sent munitions to Ukraine and Israel from our surplus stockpiles. Those stock piles need replenishment. They take precedence over civilian sales right now.
  12. This ^^^^^ Personally, I have never owned a laser that mounts on a gun. I prefer a mounted light. I am considering a light / laser combo. Olight makes a couple models I like the performance of as well as the price. You can select red, green or blue lasers.
  13. My nearest Home Depot is 25 miles away in Pennsylvania. I don’t spend money in PA unless I have to. The next nearest in WV is 35 miles away. Maybe I will make plans to go there in conjunction with my gun range trips. Thanks.
  14. Here are the companies that make kiosks in North America - pass over the “give your email portion or you will receive tons of tech related emails. https://lucep.com/blog/top-25-self-service-kiosk-manufacturers-and-management-systems How kiosks are made https://redyref.com/kiosk-system-parts/ These companies do have employees. Lots of them. I wonder how many are former aerospace workers? Regarding of the jobs created in this field, I really don’t care. We have a burgeoning society of introverts and socially inept morons. Ever hang out in the IT department of a large agency or corporation? If so, you would encounter some of the people I mentioned above. Introverted, suspicious, sometimes hostile. Many or most are tech savvy and interpersonal relationship ignorant. If this offends anyone I apologize. Not all techies are like this. I sure wasn’t but one would have to admit the people attracted to these jobs are a bit different for sure. The entire kiosk business does create lots of jobs, but at what cost in the end?
  15. I refuse to order food on a kiosk. I won’t use self checkout. It’s not because of technology. It’s because it removes the human element. Also, it costs jobs. No jobs means more government control over people. More gov’t manipulation. Also, I have yet to see a discount or monetary incentive for using a self checkout or a kiosk. I went to Lowe’s to buy some hardware that Menards doesn’t carry (or that I can find). When I got to the checkout there were 2 young ladies standing in the center of the aisle of the self checkout kiosks. No registers were manned. I debated tossing the hardware on a shelf and leaving. One of the ladies approached me and asked if I needed help. I started to complain about the self checkout but decided not to. I normally do not request a Veteran discount on small purchases, but this time, as I was checking out I asked the lady “How do I do a Veteran’s Discount?” She said “Oh, that’s not available on these kiosks.” I finished paying then turned to both ladies and said “No veteran’s discount, no future business!” and left. Just one more thing, it seems that every time I use a self checkout there is a glitch or a malfunction. I’m not kidding. I must have a static charge or I generate EMI that affects these things. The Lowe’s kiosk locked up on me and had to be cleared and reset by the lady that was kind of hovering nearby. I think she also sensed the dark power of mine and was standing ready to aid her fellow electronic worker. There are 3 fast food joints near me that have gone full kiosk: McDonald’s Wendy’s Panda Express I don’t think their drive thru service is automated and I will never no unless someone tells me. Here is an interesting article on self checkouts that outlines that they actually may cost stores more money. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/10/24/self-checkout-good-bad/71219910007/
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