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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. I can assure you I could tell. My son-in-law has tried this with me. It wouldn’t work.
  2. Oh, I definitely can.
  3. I’ll be sending mine in soon.
  4. Thank you. I think they shut down on the west coast due to Starbucks et al
  5. Gloria Jean’s is still in business? I thought they disappeared years ago. They used to have a shop in a mall near me. They had the best chocolate hazelnut coffee. I drank it occasionally, but my wife loved it. One day all their coffees were replaced with more bitter roasts and we were told the business was going under then it disappeared. Not just from our area but the west coast. I assumed they went out of business. This was 1991 or 92. Glad to hear they are still in business.
  6. There’s a 50 yard .22 rimfire match this Saturday at my range.
  7. @Painted Mohawk SASS 77785 @Buckshot Bear @Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 If I ever came to Australia I would try burgers your way with “the lot” just to be able to say that I did. Even though pineapple turns my tongue and my stomach inside out I would do it. I’ll bet beets on a burger tastes a lot better than veggie burgers made out of beets. I have found the best tasting and most enjoyable burgers here in the U.S. by ordering them and eating them as they come from what ever the cook, chef or restaurant puts on them.
  8. The first gun I owned was a Colt Combat Gov’t series 70 1911 .45 ACP that I bought soon after getting out of active duty in the Navy. I got it “on sale” for $317 at B&B Sales in North Hollywood, California in March of 1983. I got lucky. It was a helluva shooter. I sold it in 1988 because we had hit hard times. I miss that gun and if I wanted to replace it today it would cost me plenty if I were lucky enough to find that exact model.
  9. Thank God I boycott the NFL. I started watching the new season of Night Agent on Netflix. Good series.
  10. Dang! I was hoping for a good joke to start the day.
  11. I’d leave it a .38 Super and have fun with it, especially since you already have other 1911s. As for value and what to trade I have no idea.
  12. I met him at the Orange County Gun Show back in the late 90’s. Very nice gent. He was promoting his Henry .22 rifles.
  13. The last time I was in Bass Pro they had a bunch of 28ga ammo.
  14. Deja Vu… I could swear I have seen this post before @Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967
  15. My last rail shop was close to LAX. Incoming flights landing on runway 24R flew over our rail shop. Numerous times air traffic had been disrupted in that area due to some dipwad flying a jet pack. The first occurrence that I am aware of was in 2019. These sightings occurred off and on for a couple of years but the sightings of this idiot were so random the police could not catch this guy. By the time someone reported the jet pack idiot and the police arrived he was gone or had landed. The sightings were always near the flight path of runway 24R. It appears the idiot still hasn’t been caught.
  16. The Super Bowl is today? Cool! I am going to Sam’s Club. Should be empty.
  17. No, you shouldn’t! Enjoy your coffee as you see fit. To heck with everyone else. If you want to have pansy Nancy-boy coffee that is your prerogative and your right to be the sissy that you are! Can I get an Amen!? Just bustin’ yer chops, Mate. One of my favorite flavored coffees is Chocolate Hazelnut. I don’t have them as often as I used to. I am down to one every 4 or 5 years or so…
  18. If I got pulled over for doing 94 and the officer said “Do you know why I am pulling you over?” My response would be “Yes, probably because my speedo said I was doing 94 miles an hour.” (My Speedo is 2mph higher than actual speed on my bike 94=92) If I get caught I own it. Cops hear enough BS on a daily basis. I can also tell you that I am always looking in my mirrors, no matter what I am operating. I always know what all the police cars look like from a distance. If a police car is behind me I know it’s there. If I am going fast I slow to 5 mph over the speed limit on my Speedo on highways and freeways. The reason? If one slows to exactly the speed limit often the officer will probably pull you over because they assume you saw them and you know you were doing something wrong. The police car in that video is “unmarked” in the front view. Police cars without roof bars nowadays use LED lights mounted inside at the top of the windshield and in the grill work. Cop cars never have chromed grills. They always have a black grill and black mirrors. LED mini light bars are a wire or silver looking bar in a black grill. Black mirrors are used because mirrors that match the car color cost a little more when contracting for new police cars. The one thing that ticks me off today is roof rack cross-bars on almost every car maker’s vehicle are brushed aluminum. They look like LED light bars now.
  19. My wife makes a small ham in the crockpot occasionally and the only ingredient she adds is a 12 ounce (340ml) can of 7up or Sprite. We tried it with Mountain Dew and that was really good too. @Buckshot Bear can I assume Coca Cola Company sells Sprite in Australia? If not pretty much any Lemon-Lime carbonated soft drink will do.
  20. Ugh! Freakin’ pineapple again…
  21. Something I forgot to mention. Where I live if you holster or gun become accidentally exposed no one is going to care or lose their mind. If you are in an area where this is a concern, definitely go with IWB.
  22. OWB for me. I tried IWB. I couldn’t stand it. OWB makes it easier to make adjustments, like sliding the holster forward or back. If you use an OWB paddle holster it’s easy on and off if the holster is uncomfortable when driving. IWB also means wardrobe changes - larger pants.
  23. I am pretty sure that was printed on the Gutenberg press, hence the cost.
  24. Hmmm…my intended post vanished. I guess the System Editor cleared it. I didn’t post it. And I am not writing it all again. I will just say that this accident is a shame. Perhaps some good will come of it in regard to safety. My heart goes out to the family and friends of that little girl.
  25. City planners and code enforcement got wise to what occurs in California when a Starbucks or In & Out Burgers wants to build a new restaurant and they make them show how they will route customer vehicles without disrupting traffic or access to other businesses. If their plan is inadequate they don’t get to build.
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