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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. It is fun. It also can give one a sense of humility. Up until I did that test I was carrying a .45 Colt Vaquero when traipsing about or if there was a lot of traipsing I carried a much lighter S&W 327 Night Guard (8 shot .357 w/ 2.5” barrel) I could not pass the test with either, though I came close with the 327. I think I would like to try that test soon with my Ruger PC Carbine or my SFAR. Though around here the black bears are well fed and more docile and there are no furry cougars.
  2. I have noticed that those that have issues with what other people do with their guns or money never volunteer their own to help you avoid irking them.
  3. Hmmm…I guess TikTok allows you to view one video. When you try a second it requires a download. The first being from the other thread “Amazing Transition”. I’d prefer not to do that. Thanks anyway Father Kit.
  4. If you see this before you click that ^^^ TURN YOUR VOLUME DOWN.
  5. Working in rail transit we got a lot of “memorials” on railroad property due to Darwinism - people dying due to being what they are…or were. Each agency I worked at handled them a bit differently. 1. Remove them as soon as they appeared. 2. Move them off the Right of Way unless it impedes road or sidewalk traffic then they were left on the edge of the right of way for 7 days. 3. Removal if on the Right of Way. No consideration if they were not. 4. Back to the first agency I started at. They go out of their way to allow it and encourage employees to go pay their respects.
  6. Who did you think of when you saw this?
  7. Guys reading this and whispering “Elephant Stew” and “I love you” to see if this is correct. Wives thinking “What in the he** is wrong with him now?!”
  8. And that’s when the fight started…
  9. Thanks. What is TSRA? If I knew for sure it was the NRA I would probably answer and probably tell them the same thing you did. Every time I send them money, especially if I send it to the NRA, the ILA and the PVF within a short time I get no calls. If I send money to the ILA and not the PVF & NRA branches of the NRA those two badger me. That’s why I am pretty sure the majority of my toll free calls received, the 800, 877, 866 prefixes, are NRA. They calm down after a couple of weeks. I do know that a few years ago they would call in the evening, when most folks are having dinner. I just kept my ringer off as idiots from work would also call thinking I loved my job so much that I wanted to spend time talking with them. I didn’t. I would find out about the calls later or in the morning. I truly do not miss work. That’s for sure.
  10. Wow! Some neat stuff on their website. I truly hope you find footwear that is comfortable and lasts. I know what a pain it is to find what will work in regards to shoes, boots and other footwear.
  11. I had Verizon but now with AT&T (another hacked business that had info stolen) The only time caller ID shows “NRA” is if someone calls from the headquarters bldg. Doesn’t matter though. No ID, No answer, period.
  12. I have XS Sights peep and white stripe front sights on my Win. 94AE carbine and my Marlin 336. Both are 30-30s. I have tried many different iron sights. These are my favorites. Unfortunately Winchester sights are a backorder option right now. Last month they just said “Unavailable” so they must be getting them made soon. https://xssights.com/products/sights/hunting-rifle-sights/winchester/ Here is a link to their Marlin sights. Unfortunately these sights come with a rail…unless you also want a rail then, Yippee! https://xssights.com/products/sights/hunting-rifle-sights/marlin/ You can get different sized peeps / ghost rings for rear sights. They come wit two, a .231 and a.191”, I think. Going by memory. When I put these on my Winchester 94 I could bust clays lying on a dirt pile 80 yards away firing quickly and hit every one. I did the “attacking bear test” and would get at least one kill shot every time I tried. Attacking Bear Test (I did not come up with this. I read about it 30 years ago.) - Take 5 pieces of 8.5 x 11” paper and put a 3” black dot in the center - dot represents a bear nose. A nose shot straight at a running bear with a penetrating bullet should hit the brain or brain stem. - Put each sheet on a target stand, pole or board with the dot 3-3.5’ off the ground. This represents the height of the bear nose on a running bear. - Place 1 target at 50 yards then the remaining 4 at 40, 30, 20, 10 yards from the firing line. Stagger to targets side to side at about 12-18” to represent the bears nose moving while it’s running. - A bear running hard can cover 50 yards in 3 seconds. - You have 3 seconds to shoot at each target starting at 50 then working your way in to 10 yards. You shoot 50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Now count the number of hits in the nose (black dot) Do it over and over to get better. I could get at least 1 kill shot each time, once I practiced. Sometimes I could get 2. Out of all my guns, handguns and long guns, my 94 became the gun I always carried in the woods in Oregon. It was the only one I could consistently run that drill with. I was told there were no Brown or Grizzly bears in Oregon. There were black bears, but black bears don’t leave brown bear tracks. I would encounter bear tracks occasionally and some were Brownie tracks. I typed all this just to show how well a white stripe front sight viewed through a peep sight can be beneficial. I didn’t put XS Sights on my Marlin until after I left Oregon.
  13. I do that as well. Often the call just shows a number. Lately there’s been a few calls that will have a name, like; FINTECH PBX, SCH CULVER CITY, TECHNICAL SUPPO, or other things that make no sense, but they make you wonder what it could be. I also get calls from NRA call center contractors. I know it’s the NRA because I call back to ID the number then hang up. I did send the NRA an email and asked them to figure out a way to have any NRA representative calling appear the same on the caller ID. They wrote back and said that would not be possible blah, blah, blah. I wrote back and said “If some dirtbag in India can call me and make it appear to be a call from the FBI in Tennessee you all should be able to figure it out.” I never got a response.
  14. I would ask them again, but ask if Universal is the same as Clays.
  15. I have heard of them but never seen them until I watched that video. Darned Impressive. Thanks Joe.
  16. That’s 54.6 years. I would buy a new phone and try after 54.6 years to see what happens. Or in my case, give it to some kid to try out after I’m dead.
  17. That’s because they already figured out you ain’t got no money. If you’re lucky some of these scammers might start sending you money!
  18. I must get between 25-50 Spam emails a day. This all started a year ago when a former employer’s system was hacked. After that it was a medical insurance hack and recently the National Public Data breech. Three and a half years ago “hacking” was getting too rampant in my opinion. It’s what happens when scum stay home under lockdown and have nothing better to do. I froze my credit with all three credit reporting agencies. I haven’t had a problem since. But, I do get lots of lovely spam emails by scammers now. Yahoo has closed my account at least 50 times. My Costco membership is constantly expiring yet every 3 days I win all kinds of neat prizes. Netflix has closed my account numerous times, but they are so nice. They allow me to continue watching. The Peacock channel is very angry with me. I am skeered. Some casino was nice enough to deposit $13,000 into my account with them. Apparently my manhood is question, but some really nice folks want to enhance it for me. Elon Musk is going to pay my electric bills from now on. McAfee software is reeeeally desperate to clean my computer. I am partners with a bunch of folks that need my money so we can make millions. I have a timeshare out there somewhere that I knew nothing about. It’s an amazing timeshare. It randomly pops up in various places all over the country. I’m afraid to schedule a vacation because the timeshare moves around so fast it may not be where I think it should be when I get there. Yep, since these scumbag hackers got into some accounts I am involved in I have made a bunch of new acquaintances and some very nice people that are just so giving and thoughtful. I am a lucky man.
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