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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. Go to Amazon and look for “bird scare ribbon” or “silver iridescent ribbon”. Get some of this and hang it in the area, off your mirrors and antenna. Anywhere the shimmering and fluttering in the breeze will scare off the bird(s). This stuff usually works.
  2. Or a moose, like on the state seal. Here is an image with all 50 state flags: Look how many are blue with a state seal. How flippin’ boring.
  3. I was trying to find a photo of the ship in dry dock from underneath below the water line. Instead I found this. https://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/youve-got-three-days-repairing-the-yorktown-after-coral-sea/ I also found this site with an impressive array of photos and history of the Yorktown. https://www.navsource.org/archives/02/05.htm
  4. And you don’t? C’mon! Everything on the internet is true. I read it on the internet! See? I knew I was right …well, the internet was right. I was just parroting the all-mighty internet gods…
  5. Nearly 20 years ago I complained on the Saloon about having a bad fishing day. Charlie posted and told me “If you are getting stressed out when you’re fishing you are doing it wrong.” I remember that every time I go fishing.
  6. I saw somewhere on the internet that all badges with the number 246 are originals. All others are reproductions.
  7. Yep. I should have been clearer in my post. I should have said “We also have Mulies…” Editing my post. Thanks.
  8. I have talked to many people, hikers, hunters, campers and including DFG officers and forest rangers. None, not one ever saw a California Condor.
  9. Always look both ways when crossing the street. Including at One Way streets.
  10. For a few months years ago I work in a liquor warehouse. One day I asked the boss what the pallet rack shelves were rated for in weight. He did not know. He said he would find out. He never did OR he did, but didn’t tell me or anyone else. None of the racks had weights or any other info on them. One day one of the upper shelf cross beams broke on a whiskey rack. WOW! What a mess. No one was hurt but the forklift driver was drenched in bourbon, sour mash and or rye. The warehouse reeked of whiskey for a couple of days. The company bought some new racking that had metal plates that showed the weight ratings. They also had the rack company check all the other racks in this warehouse for damage and to determine weight capacities and stencil each rack set with the info. It turned out the weight stored on the collapsed rack was within safety limits. The collapse occurred due to a bad weld. Lots of money down the drain, literally. Jack Daniel’s, Jim Beam, Gentleman Jack, Maker’s Mark went everywhere.
  11. Give this company a shout. They make custom taps and dies. https://www.regalcuttingtools.com/products/special-taps From what I have read a single custom tap will run you at least $75
  12. Nice photo Rye We also have Mulies visit everyday. I was surprised to find we have Mule Deer here in WV. They keep eating the birdseed and I can’t figure out how to stop them so I buy corn for the deer. It helps to keep them out of the bird feeders. Somewhat. And Whitetails…
  13. I read a couple articles about this just now and I am confused. Are they going with the original pine tree flag or the one that you have as the top one in your post @Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984? Not to be offensive, but the original looks like a third grader drew it.
  14. Thank you. I do have brass for my rifle and brass for my revolvers. I am going to give it a try for the rifle brass. I appreciate the information.
  15. As many times as I have hiked in and camped in “condor territory” I have never seen one. Since condors are vultures perhaps they couldn’t survive off the dead game that was available. Perhaps the condor lovers could sacrifice themselves to nourish their beloved creatures? Probably not. Pretty sure the condors wouldn’t eat them anyway.
  16. I never considered annealing .45 Colt brass. That makes sense. Thank you. I think I am going to try this out. How often do you anneal, every reload or every few reloads?
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